Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Customization Guide


These examples show how to modify views:

Tasks Search View

The Task Column Order in Tasks Printable View

The file pertaining to customizing the column order in tasks is <calclient-dir> /tasksPrint.jsp

The common components present are Banner and Application bar.

You can customize the table column ordering.

The tasksPrint.jsp is located at <calclient-dir> /tasksPrint.jsp

Example 3–3 shows the code used to customize Tasks print view in a table with the columns in the order - `Priority', `Title', `Due Date', `Status', `Type'

Example 3–3 Default Code that Displays the Table Column Order

Code to display the header of the table containing the tasks created by a user.

The header row for the table.


Code for the displaying the Priority header starts here.

<th class="TblThCl1" scope="col" nowrap>
		<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Priority", "Priority") %>

Code for displaying the Title header starts here.

<th width="35%" scope="col" nowrap>
		<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Title", "Title") %>

Code for displaying the Due Date header starts here.

<th scope="col" nowrap>
			<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-DueDate", "Due Date") %>

Code for displaying the Status header starts here.

<th scope="col" nowrap>
		<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Status", "Status") %>

Code for displaying the Type header starts here.

<th scope="col" nowrap>
		<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Type", "Type") %>

Code to close the table row for the header columns.


To change the order in which the columns appear, rearrange the above code for each column in the order of your choice.

Code to check if there are any tasks created by the user. If there are no tasks to display, the following message is displayed.

"This view does not have any tasks to display. Choose another filter or search for tasks”.

<jato:content name="ZeroTasks">
	<td class="TblTdCl1Lst" colspan="6">
		<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-NoTasksToDisplay-message", 
		"This view does not have any tasks to display.
		Choose another filter or search for tasks.") %>

These code instructions are executed if there are one or more tasks. The display of the tasks is rendered by the jato:tiledView tag. This tag takes care of iterating through the users tasks and displaying them.

	<jato:content name="NonZeroTasks">
     <jato:tiledView name="TasksTiledView" 
				          <jato:hidden name="TaskCalID"/>
							<jato:hidden name="TaskUID"/>
							<jato:hidden name="TaskRID"/>

Code to display the Priority of the task.

<td <jato:content name="FirstColumnStyle"/> align="center">
<jato:text name="Priority" escape="false"/>

Code to display the Title of the task. Along with the title, this code also displays other properties of the task such as

		<jato:content name="IsConfidential">
			<td <jato:content name="TitleColumnStyle"/>>
						 <%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "i18nModel", "uwc-calclient-view-Busy", "Busy") %></td>
		<jato:content name="IsNotConfidential">
			<td <jato:content name="NormalColumnStyle"/>>
		<jato:text name="Title"/>
	<jato:content name="HasAlarm">
					 <img src="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "skinModel", "uwc-calclient-NotifyImage", 
							"../uwc/images/LrlNotify_1.gif") %>"
							alt="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Notify", "Notify") %>" 
							title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Notify","Notify") %>">
		<jato:content name="IsRecurring">
		<img src="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "skinModel", "uwc-calclient-RecurringImage", 
					"../uwc/images/LrlRecur_1.gif") %>" 
				width="12" height="12" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="2" 
				title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Recurring","Recurring")%>"
				 alt="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Recurring", "Recurring") %>">
	<jato:content name="IsPublic">
					<img src="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "skinModel", "uwc-calclient-PublicImage", 
							"../uwc/images/LrlPrvPub_1.gif") %>" 
						title="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Public","Public") %>" 
						alt="<%= getLocalizedLabel(session, "uwc-calclient-tasks-Public","Public") %>">
		<jato:content name="IsExternal"><br>
		[<jato:text name="OwnerName"/>&nbsp;(<jato:text name="CalendarName"/>)]

Code to display the Due Date.

	<td <jato:content name="NormalColumnStyle"/>>
			<jato:text name="DueDate"/>&nbsp;<jato:text name="DueTime"/>

Code to display the Status of the task.

<td <jato:content name="NormalColumnStyle"/>><jato:text name="PercentStatusAsText" escape="false"/></td>
<td <jato:content name="NormalColumnStyle"/>><jato:text name="Category" escape="false"/></td>

The tiledView tag marks the end of the display.


In order to change the order in which the Tasks appear in the task printable view, you need to move the sections specific to each of the components in the order you want them to appear.

Tasks Error View

To modify the tasks error view, you need to edit the file <calclient-dir> /tasksError.jsp.

Events view

To modify the printable images view, edit the following property in the themes.properies file under the skin directory. You can change the image and then replace the changed image in the root folder.


Tasks View

To modify the tasks view, you need to modify the file <calclient-dir> /tasks.jsp In a task view, you can modify: