Message Archiving Using the Sun Compliance and Content Management Solution

ProcedureTesting Your Operational Archiving Deployment

  1. Set up the shared directories and the configutil variables as described in the previous section.

  2. Create a simple test imexpire rule file with archive as the action.


    test.folderpattern: user/*
      test.messagesize: 1
      test.action: archive
  3. Run imexpired –d -f rule_file -utestuser and observe the output in stdout.

  4. Verify if the staging directory contains *.info, *.body.txt, and *.eml files.

    If these files exist on the staging directory, then the system is working on the messaging side.

  5. Invoke the AXS-One extractor command to process the files in the staging area.

  6. Check the report files under the report directory.

  7. Run imarchive -v -s

  8. Validate the stubbed messages with a mail client.