Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference


The options for this command are:








Specifies which frequently occurring fields should be displayed. By default, only Subject: fields are shown (-subject). Specify -from to display frequent envelope From: fields, -to to display frequent envelope To: fields, or -content to display frequent message contents. Specify -domain_to to display frequently occurring envelope To: fields. Identical to -to option, except -domain_to looks at only the host.domain portion of the envelope To: address.

Any combination may be specified. However, only one of each my be used. These options accept the START=n and LENGTH=n arguments. These arguments indicate the starting offset and number of bytes in the field to consider. The defaults are -content=(START=1,LENGTH=256), -from=(START=1,LENGTH=2147483647), -subject=(START=1,LENGTH=2147483647), and -domain_to=(START=1,LENGTH=2147483647).


Specifies that only message files identified by the queue cache database is searched. 


Searches all message files actually present in the channel queue directory tree. 


Ignores queued message files with file name beginning with “ZZ”. This option may be used to scan only those message files which represent queued messages which have failed at least one delivery attempt. For example, the following command indicates to which domains the MTA has problems delivering messages: 

imsimta qtop -ignore_zz -domain_to


Changes the minimum number of times that a string must occur in order to be displayed. The default is -min_count=2.

-threads=n | -nothreads

Accelerates searching on multiprocessor systems by dividing the work amongst multiple, simultaneously running threads. To run n simultaneous searching threads, specify -threads=n. The value n must be an integer between 1 and 8. The default is -nothreads.


Changes the amount of most frequently occurring fields that are displayed. The default is -top=20.

-verbose | -noverbose

Requests that the utility displays operation information (-verbose). The default is -noverbose


Specifies a channel area to be scanned for string frequencies. The * and ? wildcard characters may be used in the channel specification.