Sun Java System Delegated Administrator 6.4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Upgrade Customized Service Packages

Perform the following operations on the LDAP directory:

  1. Copy your service package templates from this directory node:


    to this directory node:


    where service_target is one of the following:


    For example, if a service package template is called myservicepackage, and it provides mail service to users, the service package template's new dn would be:

  2. Remove the entries for your service package templates from the original directory node:

  3. Edit each customized service package by adding the following line to the ldif file defining the service package:

    daServiceType:service type target

    Note –

    If your ldif file already contains the daServiceType attribute, you can skip this step.

    The daServiceType attribute defines the type of service provided by the service package and the target for the service package.

    The service can be mail or calendar.

    The target can be users or groups.

    For example:

    daServiceType: mail user

    The following example shows what the edited ldif file might look like:

    dn: cn=myservicepackage,o=mailuser,o=cosTemplates,o=mycompanysuffix
    changetype: modify
    replace: daServiceType
    daServiceType: mail user
Use the LDAP directory tool ldapmodify to update the service package in the directory.

For example, you could run the following command:

ldapmodify -D <directory manager> -w <password> -f myservicepackagemodldif


<directory manager> is the name of the Directory Server administrator.

<password> is the password of the Directory Service administrator.

myservicepackagemodldif is the name of the ldif file containing the modifications described in the preceding steps.