Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Add a Remote Address Book

For remote address books a corresponding instance should exist in the file. The value of in the file should be assigned the value of bookremoteurl attribute present in the defaultps.xml file.

To add a new remote address book, you need to add the following items:

  1. Add a new book node in the defaultps.xml file.

    This file contains the default definitions for personal and corporate address books that are created in the LDAP store when a user logs in for the first time. that contain the definitions of Personal Address Book and a Corporate Address Book. Following are examples of the XML sections in the defaultps.xml that contain the definitions for multiple remote address books:

    <book booktype="abook" bookremoteurl="ldap://corpdirectory/o=org1,o=isp";>
        <entry entryID="corpdir1">
    			<displayname>_Corporate Directory 1</displayname>
    			<description>This is Corporate Directory 1</description>
    <book booktype="abook" bookremoteurl="ldap://corpdirectory/o=org2,o=isp";>
        <entry entryID="corpdir2">
    			<displayname>_Corporate Directory 2</displayname>
    			<description>This is Corporate Directory 2</description>
  2. Add a new instance in the file.

    The following is a sample entry in the file configured for two remote address books.

    db.idir.class = com.iplanet.iabs.ldapplug.iLDAP
    db.idir.urlmatch = ldap://corpdirectory/o=org1,o=isp
    db.idir.configpath = ../config/corp-dir
    db.idir.wildcardsearch = 0
    db.idir.randompaging = false
    db.idir.corporatedir = true
    db.idir2.class = com.iplanet.iabs.ldapplug.iLDAP
    db.idir2.urlmatch = ldap://corpdirectory/o=org2,o=isp
    db.idir2.configpath = ../config/corp-dir
    db.idir2.wildcardsearch = 0
    db.idir2.randompaging = false
    db.idir2.corporatedir = true