Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

3.6 csvdmig

The csvdmig utility prepares your calendar databases and LDAP user and group entries for use in a multiple-domain environment. Even if you plan to use only the default domain, you must run this utility.

Note –

Be sure to run csmig before using this utility if you are migrating from a non-domain environment to the multiple domain environment in Calendar Server 6.3.

This sections contains the following topics:

3.6.1 csvdmig Functions

The csvdmigutility performs the following changes to your databases and LDAP entries:

Caution – Caution –

The csvdmig utility updates the databases and LDAP directory in place. That is, it does not create a separate migrated database, but alters the database you are converting. Therefore, to be safe, run csvdmig against snapshots of your databases and LDAP directory.

3.6.2 csvdmig Syntax

The csvdmig utility has the following syntax:

csvdmig [-t DestinationDB]
         [-c ConfigFile]
         [-e ErrorFile]
         [-m MappingFile]
         migrate [DB|LDAP]

The following table lists the options used by csvdmig, and gives a description of each.


Description and Default Value 

-m MappingFile

Input parameter specifying a mapping file. For more information on the mapping file, see Mapping File. The default is MigrateMapping.

-c ConfigFile

Input parameter that specifies a Calendar Server configuration file. The default is the ics.conf file.

-t DestinationDB

Output parameter that specifies the location of the database to be migrated. The default is MigratedDB.

Tip –

Always use the -t option.

For more information on this option, see Destination DB.

-e ErrorFile

output parameter that specifies the name of the error file for errors that cannot be resolved. The default is MigrateError.


Specifies which database to modify: 

DB – the calendar database

LDAP – the LDAP directory

The default is the calendar database (DB). Mapping File

The mapping file is an input text file that maps existing users to their respective domains. You must create the mapping file before you run csvdmig. Specify one entry per line with a space between the old and new values. For example:

usern Destination DB

The location of the database to be migrated. The utility updates the file in place. Be sure you have backed up this directory before using the csvdmig utility.

If you do not specify the -t option, the utility will attempt to migrate the contents of the current directory (the directory specified by performing pwd at the command line), with unpredictable results.

3.6.3 csvdmig Examples

The following are csvdmig examples