Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

15.5.1 Creating a User Calendar with the cscalUtility

This section contains the following topics and examples:

The following example creates a calendar similar to the previous example, but it also sets specific access control settings for group scheduling:

cscal -n Hobbies -o jsmith -a "@@o^a^sfr^g" create Personal

The string -a "@@o^a^sfr^g" grants other owners schedule, free/busy, and read access privileges to both the components and calendar properties of this calendar for group scheduling. Overview of Creating a New Calendar

To create a new calendar, use the cscal utility with the create command. The user or resource entry must already exist in the LDAP directory. Refer to Chapter 14, Administering Users, Groups, and Resourcesfor information on adding users and resources to your LDAP directory.

If your site is using the LDAP Calendar Lookup Database (CLD) plug-in, you must create all of the calendars for a particular user or resource on the same back-end server, as indicated by the icsDWPHost LDAP attribute in the user or resource entry. If you try to create a calendar on a different back-end server, the cscal utility returns an error. For information about the LDAP CLD plug-in, see Chapter 5, Configuring Calendar Database Distribution Across Multiple Machines in Calendar Server Version 6.3. Creating New Calendars

To create a new calendar, the minimal command is the following:

cscal -o uid  create calid

For example, for the user John Smith with a unique ID and calendar ID of jsmith the command would look like the following:

cscal -o jsmith create jsmith

The command has the following parts:


The name of the utility.


The unique ID (uid) of the primary owner for this calendar.


The command to create the new calendar.


The calendar ID to be assigned to this calendar.

For more information about the cscal utility, see D.5 cscal also located in this guide.

Tip –

The default access control settings are defined by calstore.calendar.default.acl in the ics.conf file. Creating Another Calendar for a User

You can create multiple calendars for any user. However, they are always identified as sub-calendars of the default calendar. The fully qualified name of the new calendar will have the default calendar name on the left of a colon separator and the new calendar's name on the right of the colon separator.

The following example demonstrates how to create another (non-default) calendar for a user, John Smith, with the name of the new calendar as Personal:

cscal -o create Personal

The parts of the command are as follows:


The name of the utility.


The unique ID (uid) of the primary owner for this calendar.


The command to create the new calendar.


The second half of the calendar ID (calid) to be assigned to this calendar.

The fully qualified calendar ID is Creating a Calendar with a Viewable Name

This example shows how to give a separate viewable name, “Hobbies”, to the Personal non-default calendar created in the previous example.

cscal -o -n Hobbies create Personal

-o Specifies the user ID of the primary owner.


Hobbies Specifies the viewable name of the calendar.


The name of this new additional calendar for John Smith.

The entire calid becomes: Creating a Calendar with Other Properties

The following example creates a new calendar, Personal, similar to the previous example, but it also associates the calendar with the category named sports, enables double booking, and specifies Ron Jones as another owner:

cscal -n Hobbies -o jsmith -g sports -k yes -y rjones create Personal

The command has the following parts:


The name of the utility.


The unique ID (uid) of the primary owner for this calendar.

-g sports

This option associates the calendar, Personal, with a category named sports.


The value specifies another owner of the calendar.

-k yes|no

This option enables or disables double booking of events in one time slot.

A value of yes enables double booking. A value of no would disable double booking.


The command to create the new calendar.


The calendar ID to be assigned to this calendar.