Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

D.1.1 Syntax for Command-Line Utilities

Calendar Server command-line utilities use the following syntax:

utility [ -option [value]] command [target]


utility is the executable name of the utility, such as cscal or csuser.

option determines which action the command performs. Options are in lowercase and preceded by a hyphen (-), such as -d. An option enclosed in brackets ([]) is optional. If indicated, of two or more options can be used at the same time.

value further qualifies the action specified by option, such as a description used with the -d option. A value enclosed in brackets ([]) is optional. Values that include spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). Multiple values must be enclosed in quotation marks (""), and each value must be separated by a space, unless indicated otherwise, such as the use of a semicolon delimited list.

command is an action the utility performs such as list or create. Commands separated by a vertical bar (|) indicate that either one (but not both) can be used at the same time.

target is the object on which the command takes effect, such as a calendar ID or user ID.