Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

D.4.2 Syntax

csbackup [-q|-v] 
          -f database target

csbackup [-q|-v] 
          -c calid 
         calendar target

csbackup [-q|-v] 
          -a userid 
         [-b basedn] 
         defcal target

The following table describes the commands available for csbackup.

Table D–4 csbackup Utility Commands



database target

Backs up the calendar database to the specified target database directory. By default, the target database directory is: 


If you specify only the target database directory, do not include the slash (/) before the directory name. For example:

csbackup database backupdir

Note: The csbackup utility fails if the target backup directory already exists and you do not specify the -f option. For example, the following command fails if backupdir exists, even if the directory is empty:

csbackup database backupdir

Therefore, if you specify a target backup directory that already exists, include the -f option when you run csbackup.

You can also specify a nonexistent target backup directory and let csbackup create the directory for you.

calendar calid target

Backs up the specified calendar ID to the specified target output file. The data format of the file is assumed by the file extension, .ics for text/calendar or .xml for text/xml.

defcal userid target

Backs up the default calendar of the specified user ID to the specified target file. The data format of the file is assumed by the file extension, .ics for text/calendar and .xml for text/xml.


Displays the version of the utility. 

The following table describes the csbackup utility command options.

Table D–5 csbackup Utility Command Options




Run in verbose mode: Display all available information about the command being performed. Default is off. 


Run in quiet mode: 

  • Display no information if the operation is successful (errors, if they occur, are displayed).

  • Suppress confirmation prompting for dangerous commands.

    Default is off.

-a userid

The user ID of the calendar user to backup. This option is required for the default option. There is no default. 

-b basedn

The base DN to be used for this user. The default is taken from the setting service.schema2root, defined in the ics.conf file.

The Base DN (distinguished name) is the entry in your LDAP directory used as the starting point from which searches occur. 

For example, if you specify a base DN of ou=people,, all LDAP search operations executed by Calendar Server examine only the ou=people subtree in the directory tree.

-c calid

The calendar ID to backup. This option is required with the calendar command. There is no default.

For more information, see 15.2 Creating Calendar Unique Identifiers (calid's).


To force any existing backup files to be deleted. 

In the current release, you must include the -f option if the backup target directory already exists, even if the directory is empty.


To prepare the backup file for use with the SolsticeTM BackupTM or the Legato NetworkerTM backup programs. For more information, see Chapter 17, Backing Up and Restoring Calendar Server Data.