Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Part Title 



Part I, Overview of Calendar Server 6.3 SoftwarePart 1, Overview

Provides a high-level overview of Calendar Server, including the components, architecture, interfaces, and protocols. 


Part II, Post Installation Configuration for Calendar Server 6.3 SoftwarePart 2, Post Installation Configuration

Provides instructions for running the program, and instructions for using the post installation database migration utilities such as csmig, csvdmig, csmigrate, and commdirmig.

Note –

The Directory Preparation Tool ( chapter has been moved to the Sun Java System Communications Suite Installation and Configuration Guide.


Part III, Customizing Your Calendar Server ConfigurationPart 3, Customizing Your Calendar Server Configuration

Provides instructions on customizing various aspects of Calendar Server. It also describes how to configure CLD plug-in, how to set up a High Availability environment, set up and manage SSL, configure single sign-on through either Access Manager authentication, or through Messaging Server (circle of trust), configure csstored to take automatic backups, configure Calendar Server with multiple domains, and configure Calendar Server with multiple domains.


Part IV, Calendar Server 6.3 AdministrationPart 4, Calendar Server Administration

Describes the general Calendar Server tasks such as starting and stopping services. It also explains how to create, modify, delete and list domains for a multiple domain environment, administer user and resource LDAP entries, administer Calendars, including access control, administer and maintain the Calendar Server databases and data, back up and restore Calendar Server data, manage the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db).


Part V, AppendixesPart 5, Appendixes

This part contains a worksheet for gathering the required information you will need when running the Calendar Server configuration script, The last two appendices provide reference for the Calendar Server command-line utilities and ics.conf parameters.