Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Authentication

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.

  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.

  4. Edit one or more of the parameters shown in the following table:




    Base DN for LDAP authentication. If not specified, local.ugldapbasedn is used.


    Host for LDAP authentication. If not specified, uses the value of local.ugldaphost. The default is "localhost".


    Bind credentials (password) for user specified in local.authldapbinddn.


    DN used to bind to LDAP authentication host to search for user's dn. If not specified or blank (" "), its assumed to be an anonymous bind.


    Port for LDAP authentication. If not specified, uses the value of local.ugldapport. The default is "389".


    Minimum number of LDAP client connections that are maintained for LDAP authentication. If not specified, uses the value of local.ugldappoolsize. The default is "1".


    Maximum number of LDAP client connections that are maintained for LDAP authentication. If not specified, uses the value of local.ugldapmaxpool. The default is "1024".


    Specifies the authentication filter used for user lookup. The default is "(uid=%U)"

    This value is stored in the inetDomainSearchFilter attribute in the domain entry.

    It is possible to filter on a different attribute. For example, you could set this parameter to "(mail=%U)"

    The uid of the authenticated user is passed on to all other functions as the identity for that user, regardless of the attribute used for authentication.


    Number of seconds to delay after successfully authenticating a user with plain text passwords. The default is "0".