Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 WCAP Developer's Guide

Fetching Deleted Data Using Calendar Server WCAP

If you have deleted component data and need to reconstruct it, you can use the fetch_deletedcomponents.wcap command, which causes the system to process the Delete Log Database (ics50deletelog.db in the csdb directory). However, it is not possible to recreate the entire component data since not all of it is logged.

When non-recurring components are deleted, the server removes it from the component database and writes it to the Delete Log database.

When individual instances of a recurring event or task are deleted, the server writes each deleted instance to the Delete Log database. When all instances of the recurring event or todo are deleted, the server deletes the master entry for the component from the component database and writes it to the Delete Log database. A master entry in the Delete Log database contains the following recurrence parameters: rrules, exrules, and exdates.

In a single fetch_deletedcomponents command, either individual instances can be retrieved, or the master entry with its exceptions, but not both.

For more information on the Delete Log database, see the .