The Java EE 5 Tutorial

Managing an Entity Instance’s Life Cycle

You manage entity instances by invoking operations on the entity by means of an EntityManager instance. Entity instances are in one of four states: new, managed, detached, or removed.

New entity instances have no persistent identity and are not yet associated with a persistence context.

Managed entity instances have a persistent identity and are associated with a persistence context.

Detached entity instances have a persistent identify and are not currently associated with a persistence context.

Removed entity instances have a persistent identity, are associated with a persistent context, and are scheduled for removal from the data store.

Persisting Entity Instances

New entity instances become managed and persistent either by invoking the persist method, or by a cascading persist operation invoked from related entities that have the cascade=PERSIST or cascade=ALL elements set in the relationship annotation. This means the entity’s data is stored to the database when the transaction associated with the persist operation is completed. If the entity is already managed, the persist operation is ignored, although the persist operation will cascade to related entities that have the cascade element set to PERSIST or ALL in the relationship annotation. If persist is called on a removed entity instance, it becomes managed. If the entity is detached, persist will throw an IllegalArgumentException, or the transaction commit will fail.

EntityManager em;
public LineItem createLineItem(Order order, Product product,
        int quantity) {
    LineItem li = new LineItem(order, product, quantity);
    return li;

The persist operation is propagated to all entities related to the calling entity that have the cascade element set to ALL or PERSIST in the relationship annotation.

@OneToMany(cascade=ALL, mappedBy="order")
public Collection<LineItem> getLineItems() {
    return lineItems;

Removing Entity Instances

Managed entity instances are removed by invoking the remove method, or by a cascading remove operation invoked from related entities that have the cascade=REMOVE or cascade=ALL elements set in the relationship annotation. If the remove method is invoked on a new entity, the remove operation is ignored, although remove will cascade to related entities that have the cascade element set to REMOVE or ALL in the relationship annotation. If remove is invoked on a detached entity it will throw an IllegalArgumentException, or the transaction commit will fail. If remove is invoked on an already removed entity, it will be ignored. The entity’s data will be removed from the data store when the transaction is completed, or as a result of the flush operation.

public void removeOrder(Integer orderId) {
    try {
        Order order = em.find(Order.class, orderId);

In this example, all LineItem entities associated with the order are also removed, as Order.getLineItems has cascade=ALL set in the relationship annotation.

Synchronizing Entity Data to the Database

The state of persistent entities is synchronized to the database when the transaction with which the entity is associated commits. If a managed entity is in a bidirectional relationship with another managed entity, the data will be persisted based on the owning side of the relationship.

To force synchronization of the managed entity to the data store, invoke the flush method of the entity. If the entity is related to another entity, and the relationship annotation has the cascade element set to PERSIST or ALL, the related entity’s data will be synchronized with the data store when flush is called.

If the entity is removed, calling flush will remove the entity data from the data store.