Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

Certificate Revocation List Caching

These attributes define the local Certificate Revocation List (CRL) caching repository that is used for keeping the CRL from certificate authorities. Any service that needs to obtain a CRL for certificate validation will receive the CRL based on this information.

LDAP Server Host Name

Specifies the name of the LDAP server where the certificates are stored. The default value is the host name specified when OpenSSO Enterprise was installed. The host name of any LDAP Server where the certificates are stored can be used.

LDAP Server Port Number

Specifies the port number of the LDAP server where the certificates are stored. The default value is the port specified when OpenSSO Enterprise was installed. The port of any LDAP Server where the certificates are stored can be used.

SSL Enabled

Specifies whether to use SSL to access the LDAP server. The default is that the Certificate Authentication service does not use SSL for LDAP access.

LDAP Server Bind User Name

Specifies the bind DN in the LDAP server.

LDAP Server Bind Password

Defines the password to be used for binding to the LDAP server. By default, the amldapuser password that was entered during installation is used as the bind user.

LDAP Search Base DN

This attribute specifies the base DN used by the LDAP Users subject in the LDAP server from which to begin the search. By default, it is the top-level realm of the OpenSSO Enterprise installation base.

Search Attributes

Any DN component of issuer's subjectDN can be used to retrieve a CRL from a local LDAP server. It is a single value string, like, "cn". All Root CAs need to use the same search attribute.