Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

SAML Configuration

The following attributes configure the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for the web service provider:

SAML Attribute Mapping

This configuration represents a SAML attribute that needs to be generated as an Attribute Statement during SAML assertion creation by the Security Token Service for a web service provider. The format is SAML_attr_name=Real_attr_name.

SAML_attr_name is the SAML attribute name from a SAML assertion from an incoming web service request. Real_attr_name is the attribute name that is fetched from either the authenticated SSOToken or the identity repository.

SAML NameID Mapper Plugin

Defines the NameID mapper plug-in class that is used for SAML account mapping.

SAML Attributes Namespace

Defines the name space used for generating SAML attributes.

Include Memberships

If enabled, this attribute defines that the principal's membership must be included as a SAML attribute.