Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

Default Paths and Directory Names

The OpenSSO Enterprise documentation uses the following terms to represent default paths and directory names:

Table P–3 Default Paths and Directory Names




Represents the directory where the file is unzipped.


Represents the deployment directory where the web container deploys the opensso.war file.

This value varies depending on the web container. To determine the value of OpenSSO-Deploy-base, view the file name in the .openssocfg directory, which resides in the home directory of the user who deployed the opensso.war file. For example, consider this scenario with Application Server 9.1 as the web container:

  • Application Server 9.1 is installed in the default directory: /opt/SUNWappserver.

  • The opensso.war file is deployed by super user (root) on Application Server 9.1.

The .openssocfg directory is in the root home directory (/), and the file name in .openssocfg is:


Then, the value for OpenSSO-Deploy-base is:



Represents the name of the configuration directory specified during the initial configuration of OpenSSO Enterprise server instance using the Configurator. 

The default is opensso in the home directory of the user running the Configurator. Thus, if the Configurator is run by root, ConfigurationDirectory is /opensso.