Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Secure Web Access Add-On Guide

Working Samples

This section includes:

These sample pages are available in the portal-server-URL/rewriter directory. You can browse through the page before the rule is applied, and then view the file with the rewritten output through your Gateway to see how the rule works. In some samples, the rule is already a part of the default_gateway_ruleset. In some samples, you may have to include the rule in the default_gateway_ruleset. This is mentioned at the appropriate places.

Note –

Some of the statements appear in bold to indicate that they have been rewritten.

The following samples are available:





Samples for HTML Content

Sample for HTML Attributes

ProcedureTo Use the HTML Attributes Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that and are defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

    You need not add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset because the rule is already defined.

HTML Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>TEST PAGE () </title>
1.a href <a href="">http://..</a>
2. href <a href="">https://..</a>
3. href <a href="../images/logo.gif">../images/</a>
4. href <a href="images/logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>
5. href <a href="../../images/logo.gif">../../images/</a> <br><br>
Rewriting ends


<Attribute name="href"/>

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>TEST PAGE () </title>
1. a href <a href="gateway-URL/">http://..</a> <br>

// This URL is rewritten because the <Attrib name="href"/> rule is already defined in the default_gateway_ruleset. Because the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL is prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Otherwise, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, because a direct connection is assumed.

2. href <a href="gateway-URL/">https://..</a>

// Again, needs to be defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Otherwise, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, because a direct connection is assumed.

3. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/images/logo.gif">../images/</a>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the portal-server-URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work because a directory called images under the HTML directory is not specified in the sample structure provided.

4 href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/attrib/images/
logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories.

5. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/images/logo.gif">
../../images/</a> <br><br>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work because a directory called images under the Rewriter directory is not specified in the sample structure provided

Rewriting ends</html>

Sample for HTML Dynamic JavaScript Tokens

This section discuses using the HTML JavaScript token sample

ProcedureTo Use the HTML JavaScript Token Sample:

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<script language="javascript">
function Check(test,ind){
if (ind == \qblur\q)
{alert("testing onBlur")}
if (ind == \qfocus\q)
{alert("testing onFocus")}
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check
Rewriting ends


<Attribute name=”onClick” type=”DJS”/>
<Function type="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/>

Note –

<Function type="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/> is a JavaScript function rule and is explained in detail in the JavaScript function sample.

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<script language="javascript">
function Check(test,ind){
if (ind == \qblur\q)
{alert("testing onBlur")}
if (ind == \qfocus\q)
{alert("testing onFocus")}
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">

// All the statements are rewritten in this sample. The Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed in each case. This is because rules for onAbort, onBlur, onFocus, onChange, and onClick are defined in the default_gateway_ruleset file. Rewriter detects the JavaScript tokens and passes it to the JavaScript function rules for further processing. The second rule listed in the sample tells Rewriter which parameter to rewrite.


Rewriting ends


Sample for HTML Forms

ProcedureTo Use the Form Sample

  1. Access the sample from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting HTML Attributes".

  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  5. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<form name="form1" method="Post" action=
<input type="hidden" name="name1" value="0|1234|/test.html">
<input type="hidden" name="name3" value="../../html/test.html">
<form name="form2" method="Post" action=""><br>
<input type="hidden" name="name1" value="0|1234|
RW_END </p>


<Form source="*" name="form1" field="name1" valuePatterns="0|1234|"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

<FORM name=form1  method=POST 

// This URL is rewritten because <Attribute name="action"/> is defined as part of the HTML rules in the default_gateway_ruleset. Because the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Else, the Gateway URL is not prefixed because a direct connection is assumed.

<input type=hidden name=name1 value=
"0|1234|gateway URL/portal-server-URL/test.html">

// Here the form name is form1, and the field name is name1. This matches the form name and field name specified in the rule. The rule states the valuePatterns as 0|1234| which matches the value in this statement. Hence the URL occurring after the valuePattern is rewritten. The Portal Server URL and the Gateway URL are prefixed. See “Using Pattern Matching in Rules for details on valuePatterns.

<input type=hidden name=name3 value="../../html/test.html">

// This URL is not rewritten because the name does not match the field name specified in the rule.

<FORM name=form2 method=POST action=

// This URL is rewritten because <Attribute name="action"/> is defined as part of the HTML rules in the default ruleset. Because the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed.

<input type=hidden name=name1 value="0|1234|../../html/test.html">

// This URL is not rewritten because the form name does not match the name specified in the rule.


Sample for HTML Applets

ProcedureTo Use the Sample for Applets

  1. Obtain the applet class file. The RewriteURLinApplet.class file is present in the following location:


    The base URL of the page where the applet code is present is:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting HTML Attributes".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<applet codebase=appletcode code=RewriteURLinApplet.class archive=/test>
<param name=Test1 value="/index.html">
<param name=Test2 value="../index.html">
<param name=Test3 value="../../index.html">
Rewriting ends


<Applet source="*/rule1.html" code="RewriteURLinApplet.class" param="Test*" />

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<APPLET codebase=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL
/rewriter/HTML/applet/appletcode=RewriteURLinApplet.class archive=/test>

// This URL is rewritten because the rule <Applet name="codebase"/> is already present as part of the default_gateway_ruleset file. the Gateway and the Portal Server URLs are prefixed along with the path up to the appletcode directory.

<param name=Test1 value=

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. Because index.html is specified to be at the root level, the Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed directly.

<param name=Test2 value="gateway-URL

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.

<param name=Test3 value="gateway-URL

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.

Rewriting ends

Samples for JavaScript Content

Sample for JavaScript URL Variables

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript URL Variables Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  4. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  5. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>JavaScript Variable test page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
//URL Variables
var imgsrc="/tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="./tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="../tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="../../tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="";
var imgsrc="../../../tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="tmp/tmp.jpg";
Testing JavaScript variables!
<img src="images/logo.gif">
Rewriting ends


<Variable name=”imgsrc” type="URL"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>JavaScript Variable test page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
//URL Variables
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/";
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/tmp/tmp.jpg";
var imgsrc="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL

// All the above URLs are JavaScript variables of type URL and name imgsrc as specified in the rule. Hence they are prefixed with the Gateway and the Portal Server URLs. The path following the Portal Server URL is prefixed as required.

Testing JavaScript variables!
<img src="gateway URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter

// This line is rewritten because the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset

Rewriting ends

Sample for JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript Expression Variables Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<title>JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
//Expression variables
var expvar1="images";
var expvar2="/logo.gif";
var expvar = expvar1 + expvar2;
document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")
var expvar="/images/logo"+".gif";
document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")
Testing JavaScript EXPRESSION variables


<Variable type=”EXPRESSION” name="expvar"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

<title>JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables Test Page</title>
// Rewriter appends the wrapper function 
psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression here
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
//Expression variables
var expvar1="images";
var expvar2="/logo.gif";
var expvar =psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression( expvar1 + expvar2);

// Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of this statement to be a JavaScript EXPRESSION variable. Rewriter is not able to resolve the value of this expression at the server end. Hence, the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function is prefixed to the expression. The expression is evaluated at the client end, and rewritten as required.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Because the result is a valid URL (a graphic exists at this location in the sample), the link will work.

var expvar="gateway URL/portal-server-URL/images/logo"+".gif";

// Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of expvar to be a string expression. This can be resolved at the server side, and hence is rewritten directly.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Because the result is a not a valid URL (a graphic does not exist at the resultant location), the link will not work.

Testing JavaScript EXPRESSION variables

Sample for JavaScript DHTML Variables

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript DHTML Variables Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. If you added the rule, restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<title>JavaScript DHTML Variable Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var dhtmlVar="<a href=../../images/test.html>"
var dhtmlVar="<a href=/../images/test.html>"
var dhtmlVar="<a href=/images/test.html>"
var dhtmlVar="<a href=images/test.html>"
var dhtmlVar="<a href=>"
var dhtmlVar="<img src=>"
Testing DHTML Variables
<img src="images/logo.gif">IMAGE


<Variable name="DHTML">dhtmlVar</Variable>

HTML Page After Rewriting

<title>JavaScript DHTML Variable Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL

// The JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the right hand side of the dhtmlVar as dynamic HTML content. Hence, the HTML rules in the default_gateway_ruleset file are applied. The dynamic HTML contains a href attribute. The default_gateway_ruleset defines the rule <Attribute name="href"/>. Hence the value of the href attribute is rewritten. But the URL is not absolute; therefore, the relative URL is replaced with the base URL of the page, and the required subdirectories. This in turn is prefixed with the Gateway URL to derive the final rewritten output.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL

// Although the base URL of the page is appended, and the Gateway URL is prefixed, the resultant URL will not work. This is because the initial URL /../images/test.html is inaccurate.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway-URL

// Here again, the JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the right hand side to be dynamic HTML content, and passes it to the HTML rules. The HTML rule <Attribute name="href"/> from the default_gateway_ruleset is applied, and the statement is rewritten as shown. The Gateway URL and Portal Server URL are prefixed.

var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway URL/portal-server-URL/
var dhtmlVar="<a href=gateway URL/>"
var dhtmlVar="<img src=gateway-URL/>"

// The JavaScript DHTML rule identifies the dynamic HTML content on the right hand side, and passes the statement to the HTML rules. The <Attribute name="src"/> rule in the default_gateway_ruleset is applied. Because the URL is absolute, only the Gateway URL needs to be prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list for this URL to be rewritten.

Testing DHTML Variables
<img src="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/

// This line is rewritten because the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset.


Sample for JavaScript DJS Variables

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript DJS Variables Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the two rules specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<title>Dynamic JavaScript Variable Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\q/tmp/tmp/jpg\q;"
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\q../../../tmp/tmp/jpg\q;"
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\q\q;"
Testing Dynamic JavaScript Variables
<img src="images/logo.gif">


<Variable name=”dJSVar” type="DJS"/>
<Variable name="dJSimgsrc“ type=URL"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

<title>Dynamic JavaScript Variable Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\qgateway-URL
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\qgateway-URL
var dJSVar="var dJSimgsrc=\qgateway-URL

// All the above statements are rewritten with the Gateway and Portal Server URLs. The required path is prefixed as appropriate. The first rule identifies the right hand side of dJSVar as a dynamic JavaScript variable. This is then passed to the second rule which identifies the right hand side of dJSimgsrc as a JavaScript variable of type URL. This is rewritten accordingly.

Testing Dynamic JavaScript Variables
<img src="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL

// This line is rewritten because the rule <Attribute name="src"/> is defined in the default_gateway_ruleset.


Sample for JavaScript SYSTEM Variables

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript System Variables Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

<title>JavaScript SYSTEM Variables Test Page</title>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
("<A HREF="+window.location.pathname+">SYSTEM</A><P>")
Testing JavaScript SYSTEM Variables
This page displays the path where 
the current page is located when loaded.


<Variable name=”window.location.pathname” type="SYSTEM"/>

HTML After Rewriting

<title>JavaScript SYSTEM Variables Test Page</title>
convertsystem function definition...
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
(window.location, window.location.pathname,”window.location”));

// Rewriter identifies window.location.pathname as a JavaScript SYSTEM variable. The value of this variable cannot be determined at the server end. So the Rewriter prefixes the variable with the psSRAPRewriter_convert_pathname function. This wrapper function determines the value of the variable at the client end and rewrites as required.

Testing JavaScript SYSTEM Variables
This page displays the path where
the current page is located when loaded.

Sample for JavaScript URL Functions

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript URL Functions Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  3. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

JavaScript URL Function Test Page
<script language="JavaScript">
function test(one,two,three)
alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);


<Function type="URL" name="test" paramPatterns="y,y"/>
<Function type="URL" name="" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

JavaScript URL Function Test Page
<script language="JavaScript">
function test(one,two,three)
alert(one + "##" + two + "##" +three);

Sample for JavaScript EXPRESSION Functions

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript Expressions Function Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source.

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service using the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

JavaScript EXPRESSION Function Test Page
<script language="JavaScript">
function jstest2()
return ".html";
function jstest1(one)
return one;
var dir="/images/test"
var test1=jstest1(dir+"/test"+jstest2());
document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">Test</a>");


<Function type="EXPRESSION" name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

JavaScript EXPRESSION Function Test Page
// various functions including psSRAPRewriter_
convert_expression appear here.//-->
<script language="JavaScript">
function jstest2()
return ".html";
function jstest1(one)
return one;
var dir="/images/test"
var test1=jstest1(psSRAPRewriter_convert_

// The rule states that the first parameter in the function jstest1 which is of type EXPRESSION needs to be rewritten. The value of this expression is /test/images/test.html. This is prefixed with the Portal Server and the Gateway URLs.

document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">Test</a>");

Sample for JavaScript DHTML Functions

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript DHTML Functions Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

Testing JavaScript DHTML Functions
document.write(\q<a href="/index.html">write</a><BR>\q)
document.writeln(\q<a href="index.html">writeln</a><BR>\q)
<body BGCOLOR=white>
Testing document.write and document.writeln


<Function type="DHTML" name=" document.write" paramPatterns="y"/>
<Function type="DHTML" name=" document.writeln" paramPatterns="y"/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

Testing JavaScript DHTML Functions
document.write(\q<a href="gateway-URL

// The first rule specifies that the first parameter of the DHTML JavaScript function document.write needs to be rewritten. Rewriter identifies the first parameter to be a simple HTML statement. The HTML rules section in the default_gateway_ruleset has the rule <Attribute name="href" /> which indicates that the statement needs to be rewritten.

document.writeln(\q<a href="gateway-URL

// The second rule specifies that the first parameter of the DHTML JavaScript function document.writeln needs to be rewritten. Rewriter identifies the first parameter to be a simple HTML statement. The HTML rules section in the default_gateway_ruleset has the rule <Attribute name="href" /> which indicates that the statement needs to be rewritten.


// The above statements are not rewritten although the DHTML rule identifies the functions document.write and document.writeln. This is because the first parameter in this case is not simple HTML. It could be any string, and Rewriter does not know how to rewrite this.

<body BGCOLOR=white>
Testing document.write and document.writeln

Sample for JavaScript DJS Functions

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript DJS Functions Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

Test for JavaScript DJS Functions
menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available
//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));


<Function type="DJS" name="NavBarMenuItem" paramPatterns=",y"/>
<Variable type="URL" name=”top.location”/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

Testing JavaScript DJS Functions
menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem
("All Available Information","javaScript:top.location=

// is an entry in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Hence Rewriter needs to rewrite this URL. But because an absolute URL, the Portal Server URL need not be prefixed. The DJS rule states that the second parameter of the DJS function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten. But the second parameter is again a JavaScript variable. A second rule is required to rewrite the value of this variable. The second rule specifies that the value of the JavaScript variable top.location needs to be rewritten. Because all these conditions are met, the URL is rewritten.

//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));

// Although the DJS rule specifies that the second parameter of the function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten, it does not happen in this statement. This is because Rewriter does not recognize the second parameter as simple HTML.


Sample for XML Attributes

ProcedureTo Use the XML Attributes Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting XML Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

XML Before Rewriting

<baseroot href="/root.html"/>
<img href="image.html"/>
<string href="1234|substring.html"/>
<check href="1234|string.html"/>


<Attribute name="href" tag="check" valuePatterns="1234|"/>

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<xml><baseroot href="/root.html"/></xml>
<xml><img href="image.html"/></xml>
<xml><string href="1234|substring.html"/></xml>
<xml><check href="1234|gateway-URL/portal-server-URL

// This statement is rewritten because it matches the conditions specified in the rule. The Attribute name is href, tag is check and the valuePatterns is 1234. The string following valuePatterns is rewritten. See Using Pattern Matching in Rules for details on valuePatterns.

Rewriting ends