Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series Release Notes

Known Issues and Limitations in Update 6

The following are the known issues and limitations in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 update 6. This release supports installing Web Space Server on WebLogic server.

Tip –

When weblogic is running in production mode, there is an additional step to actually Start the application. All the WAR files deployed on WebLogic in production mode need to be started manually. After you install Web Space Server on WebLogic server, select the deployed application (Web Space Server) from Deployments screen in the admin console, and click on the Start button. This will start the Web Space Server application.

Workaround for making WSRP/ruon/other portlets/webs to work on WebLogic


Use the below instructions to make WSRP portlet/ruon to work on WebLogic.

  1. Install Web Space Server on WebLogic server.

  2. Browse http://<WebLogic server name>:7001/console and login to WebLogic admin console.

  3. Select your domain.

  4. Select the Web Applications tab.

  5. Select the optimistic serialization checkbox.

  6. Save changes, and restart WebLogic Server.

Portlets do not get rendered through WSRP on WebLogic


If you install Web Space Server on WebLogic 10.3 and deploy the WSRP portlet on it, portlets do not get rendered through WSRP.


Use WebLogic 10.3.1 (11g) install.

Update Tool does not work on Linux, if security enhanced feature is on


Update Center issue 1211:

This is a known issue in UC 2.2.

During the deployment of saw-web.war on WebLogic, SQL syntax error occurs sometimes


When such an error occurs, restart the database and the application server, and redeploy saw-web. There is no need for creating the database again.

When Web Space Server (running on WebLogic) is deployed on Oracle 11g, no dialect found error occurs


Add hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect property to the file. This step is not required, while deploying Web Space Server on Oracle 10g.

Some minor issues noticed while running Web Space Server on WebLogic: