Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Developer's Guide
 main.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 managed fields ( Index Term Link )
 mapping for container-managed persistence
  considerations ( Index Term Link )
  data types ( Index Term Link )
  features ( Index Term Link )
 mapping resource references ( Index Term Link )
 markConnectionAsBad method ( Index Term Link )
 MBean class loader ( Index Term Link )
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  AMX ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  attributes ( Index Term Link )
  configuration ( Index Term Link )
   See custom MBeans
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  displaying attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Java EE management ( Index Term Link )
  listing properties ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  notifications ( Index Term Link )
  other types ( Index Term Link )
  proxies ( Index Term Link )
  querying ( Index Term Link )
  undeploying ( Index Term Link )
  using to stop a server instance ( Index Term Link )
  utility ( Index Term Link )
 mdb-connection-factory element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 message-driven beans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  administering ( Index Term Link )
  connection factory ( Index Term Link )
  load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  onMessage runtime exception ( Index Term Link )
  pool monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  pooling ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  using with connectors ( Index Term Link )
 message security ( Index Term Link )
  application-specific ( Index Term Link )
  responsibilities ( Index Term Link )
  sample application ( Index Term Link )
 migrate-timers command ( Index Term Link )
 Migration Tool ( Index Term Link )
 mime-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  lifecycle ( Index Term Link )
 monitoring in the web container ( Index Term Link )
 MSSQL version consistency triggers ( Index Term Link )
 MySQL database restrictions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )