Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Administration Guide

Security Service Commands

These security commands are used to control the security mapping for the connector connection pool. These commands are supported in remote mode only.

Table C–20 Security Commands




Creates a security map for the specified connector connection pool. If the security map is not present, a new one is created. Also, use this command to map the caller identity of the application (principal or user group) to a suitable enterprise information system (EIS) principal in container-managed transaction-based scenarios. One or more named security maps may be associated with a connector connection pool. The connector security map configuration supports the use of the wild card asterisk (*) to indicate all users or all user groups. For this command to succeed, you must have first created a connector connection pool. The EIS is any system that holds the data of an organization. It can be a mainframe, a messaging system, a database system, or an application.


Deletes a security map for the specified connector connection pool. 


Modifies a security map for the specified connector connection pool. 


Lists the security maps belonging to the specified connector connection pool. 


Enables administrators to create a provider-config sub-element for the given message layer (message-security-config element of domain.xml, the file that specifies parameters and properties to the Application Server).


Enables administrators to delete a provider-config sub-element for the given message layer (message-security-config element of domain.xml, the file that specifies parameters and properties to the Application Server).


Enables administrators to list all security message providers (provider-config sub-elements) for the given message layer (message-security-config element of domain.xml).