Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server in GUI or CLI Mode

Before You Begin

Use this procedure if you are using the Graphic User Interface (GUI) or Command-Line Interface (CLI) mode of the file-based installer for Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Verify that your system meets the requirements specified in the Release Notes.

Solaris and Linux installations support both root and non-root user installations. Users of Windows installations should have Power User or Administrator access. If you are installing as a non-root user on Solaris or Linux, you must have read-write access to the following directories:

  1. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the distribution file.

  2. If you have downloaded a .bin file, change the permission of the distribution file so that you have execute access:

    chmod +x distribution_filename

  3. Run the installation program.

    • If you are installing from a .bin file on Solaris or Linux, use the following command to run the installation program :


      Use the -console option to run the installation program in command-line mode. It is recommended that you use the -javahome option if you are running the installation program on Solaris x86 platform.

    • If you are installing from a .zip file, such as on IBM AIX, unzip the file, navigate to the extracted folder, and run the following command:


    • If you are installing from an .exe file on Windows, double-click the file.

    Note –

    If you are installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on a 64–bit machine (running a 64–bit operating system), use a 32–bit JDK to install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on your 64–bit machine. You will need to use the following command: ./distribution_filename —javahome path to 32–bit JDK location

    After installation, download the 64–bit JDK from Edit the value of the AS_JAVA variable in the asenv.conf file to point to the 64–bit JDK installation, so that Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server uses the 64–bit JDK.

  4. Read and accept the license agreement.

  5. Select the components to install. If you are not using Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server with HADB bundle, skip to the next step.

    If a component is disabled, the installation program has detected it as already installed on your system.

    The following components are available for installation:

    • Node Agent – All machines that contain application server instances should have a node agent installed.

    • High Availability Database Server -This component stores session information so requests can be failed over if you are using the load balancing plugin.

    • Load Balancing Plugin - Install the load balancing plugin on the machine where a web server is installed. If you do not already have a web server installed on the machine where you are installing the load balancing plugin, you cannot continue to install the load-balancer plugin.

    • Domain Administration Server and Administration Tool - The Domain Administration Server (DAS) acts as a central repository for applications and configuration information for server instances, even if the instances are located on a remote machine. It includes graphical and command-line administration tools.

    • Command Line Administration Tool Only - Install the Command Line Administration tool on machines which do not contain a DAS, but from which you want to communicate with the DAS or a node agent. For example, install the command-line administration tool on machines from which you plan to remotely administer the Enterprise Server using the command-line administration tools.

    • No Administration Tools - Use this option when installing components on a machine that already contains the administration tools, or on which no administration tools are required. For example, when installing the load balancing plugin on a machine with a web server, but no Application Server, no Application Server administration tools are required.

    • Sample Applications - Samples come with the source, schema, Ant build scripts, and EAR files. Any existing data associated with the database-related samples is available in the included Java DB database.

  6. In the Administration Configuration page (or when prompted at the command line), enter the following fields and click Next.

    • Admin User Name – Name of the user who administers the server.

    • Password – Admin user’s password to access the Admin Server (8-character minimum).

    • Choose whether you want to be prompted for the Admin User Name and Password.

    • Admin Port – Administration port number for initial server instance. The default value is 4848.

    • HTTP Port - Port number to access the default server instance. The default is 8080

    • HTTPS Port - Secure port number to access the default server instance. The default is 8181

  7. In the Installation Options page, select the options that you want. Click Next

    The following installation options are available:

    • Upgrade from a Previous Version – Select this option to upgrade from a previous version of Enterprise Server.

      The Upgrade Tool is launched if you choose this option.

    • Enable UpdateCenter Client – Select this option to enable Updatecenter to check for available updates and collect system data.

    • Create Desktop Shortcut to the AutoDeploy directory – Select this option to automatically deploy items dragged to this directory. You see this option only if you are using Windows.

    • Add bin Directory to PATH – Select this option to add as-install/bin to the PATH variable for simplifying the process of running the server and tools from the command line. You see this option only if you are using Windows.

    • Create Windows Service – Select this option to create a Windows service to start and stop Application Server,

      Note –

      To create a Windows service, the sc.exe utility must be available on the system. Windows 2000 users may need to install the Windows 2000 Resource Kit to get this utility. For other supported Windows versions, the utility is included in the operating system.

  8. On the Ready to Install page, click Install Now.

  9. After installation completes, use the Registration Options screen for registering your installation of application server. For instructions, see To Register Your Installation of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server.

  10. Verify the installation by following the procedures in the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Quick Start Guide, located in as-install/docs/QuickStart.html or on