Sun Java Enterprise System 7 Installation and Upgrade Guide

Chapter 3 Upgrading to Java ES 7

This chapter provides information about upgrading to the product versions in Java ES 7 Base. The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Upgrading From Java ES 6

In general, the product upgrade instructions follow a common process:

  1. Pre-upgrade preparation – Back up configuration and application data, perform any patching of the operating system, upgrade any required dependencies, and perform other tasks in preparation for upgrading the product.

  2. Upgrade – Obtain all the necessary packages, patches, and tools needed for the upgrade. You install upgraded software and the product as prescribed, including the migration of data to the upgraded product.

  3. Verification – Verify that the upgrade has been successful using prescribed verification tests, including starting the upgraded product and testing various usage scenarios.

  4. Post-upgrade procedures – Perform any additional configuration, customization, or other tasks that might be necessary to make the upgraded product operational, for example, to incorporate new functions.

For all Java ES 7 Base components, the upgrade process involves running the upgrade installation utilities included with the component(s) to be upgraded. As with the general installation procedures, the component upgrade procedures should be performed in the order described in Suggested Sequence for Installing Java ES 7. Refer to the relevant product documentation for specific component upgrade instructions.

Upgrading from Java ES 5 and Earlier

The Java ES upgrade model was significantly changed in Java ES 6, and this changed model has been carried through to Java ES 7. Specifically, Java ES releases version 5 and earlier were based on a unified upgrade model that sometimes made it difficult to resolve dependencies across component products or deliver timely patches to individual components. Starting with Java ES 6, the upgrade model was changed such that each component product uses its own upgrade installer.

As with upgrading from Java ES 6, the upgrade process now involves running the upgrade installation utilities included with the component(s) to be upgraded. As with the general installation procedures, the component upgrade procedures should be performed in the order described in Suggested Sequence for Installing Java ES 7. Refer to the relevant product documentation for specific component upgrade instructions.

Planning for Upgrades

An upgrade plan is the essential starting point for performing an upgrade to Java ES 7. In an upgrade plan you specify the Java ES products you will upgrade and the sequence by which you will upgrade those products on the different computers or operating system instances in your Java ES deployment.

Your upgrade plan depends on a number of factors, each of which should be given careful consideration in preparing for upgrade to Java ES 7:

Upgrade Objectives and Priorities

An upgrade plan reflects your upgrade objectives and priorities, which often depend on the scope and complexity of your existing deployment architecture.

For example, your Java ES deployment architecture might consist of a single Java ES product running on a single computer, and your upgrade objective is to fix some bug in the previous software release. On the other hand, your Java ES deployment architecture might consist of a number of interoperating Java ES products deployed across a number of different computers, and your upgrade objective is to achieve some new functionality by upgrading the minimum number of products required to achieve that end with minimal downtime.

In general, the greater the number of Java ES products and computers in your deployment architecture, and the more ambitious your upgrade objectives, the more complex will be your upgrade plan.

Upgrade Dependencies

One of the main issues in planning the upgrade of a Java ES product is to understand that product's dependencies on other Java ES products, and whether other products need to be upgraded to support the upgrade of the intended product. Researching and working through this issue can affect your upgrade plan in two distinct ways:

The Interoperability Matrix in Sun Java Enterprise System 7 Release Notes provides dependency information about each product in Java ES 7 Base, including supported product versions for each dependency. Use this information, coupled with knowledge of the product versions in your existing Java ES deployment, to determine whether you need to upgrade some additional products in order to support your intended upgrades.

Multi-Instance Upgrades

The sequence of upgrade procedures in an upgrade plan depends on how redundancy is being used in a deployment architecture. Multiple instances of a Java ES product can be used to achieve high availability, scalability, serviceability, or some combination of these service qualities. Three technologies make use of redundant products in Java ES deployment architectures: load balancing (Directory Proxy Server, Web Server, Web Proxy Server, Application Server, Access Manager, and Portal Server), high availability techniques (Sun Cluster and High Availability Session Store, and others), and Directory Server replication.

In most cases where redundancy is involved, upgrades must be performed without incurring significant downtime. These rolling upgrades attempt to successively upgrade redundant instances of a product without compromising the service that they provide.

Redundant instances are usually deployed across multiple computers. For upgrade planning, you might need to isolate the upgrade of replicated products from other product upgrades in order to achieve minimal downtime. In such cases, you often perform all the pre-upgrade tasks for the replicated products on each computer before performing the rolling upgrade.

Each replication technology has configuration or reconfiguration procedures that might affect the overall sequence of Java ES product upgrades. For example, products that run in a Sun Cluster environment can require upgrading Sun Cluster before upgrading the products that are running in the Sun Cluster environment.

The Java ES Upgrade Process

The process of upgrading a Java ES deployment can involve a number of individual product upgrades performed in a particular order to ensure a smooth transition to a updated software system. Upgrades of large or complex Java ES deployments are normally carried out first in a staging environment, before being executed in a production environment. The use of a staging environment allows you to test after each product upgrade as well as to write scripts to simplify or accelerate the upgrade in a production environment.

When you have tested the upgrade process in a staging environment, and have confidence that the upgrade is working properly, you can reproduce the process in your production environment.

Product-By-Product Upgrade Instructions

The following sections provide information about upgrading each product in Java ES 7 Base. Each section presents an overview of the various upgrade paths and scenarios supported by a product, and then provides references to the product documentation where you will find complete instructions for performing each upgrade path or scenario.

Upgrading to Solaris Cluster 3.2 1/09

Solaris Cluster provides several different upgrade paths to version 3.2 1/09:

Several factors determine which paths are available to a given deployment of Solaris Cluster:

The Sun Cluster Upgrade Guide for Solaris OS describes which paths are available in each context, provides guidance in choosing the most appropriate path, and gives detailed instructions for performing the tasks associated with each upgrade path. Additionally, the Solaris Cluster 3.2 1/09 Release Notes provide information about issues related to upgrading to Solaris Cluster 3.2 1/09.

Note –

Solaris Cluster does not support direct upgrade on x86 based systems running Solaris 8 or Solaris 9. See the Sun Cluster Upgrade Guide for Solaris OS for the best approach to upgrading in this situation.

Upgrading to Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 1/09

Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition does not provide a direct upgrade path to version 3.2 1/09. Instead, upgrade is performed by:

  1. Uninstalling the existing version of Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition.

  2. Installing Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition.

Note that Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition software configuration data is retained across this upgrade process, so no reconfiguration is necessary.

For more information about upgrading Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition, including detailed instructions for performing the upgrade, see Chapter 4, Upgrading the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide. Additionally, the Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 1/09 Release Notes provide information about issues related to upgrading to Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 1/09.

Upgrading to Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1

Past versions of Directory Server Enterprise Edition (DSEE) were delivered in two ways:

Additionally, prior to version 6.0, the constituent components of Directory Server Enterprise Edition were delivered as separate products; for example, Directory Server 5.2 and Directory Proxy Server 5.2.

To support these past practices, Directory Server Enterprise Edition provides these upgrade paths to version 6.3.1:

Note –

When upgrading from DS 6.2, which was part of Java ES R5 Update 1, be sure to follow the instructions in Sun Alert 235361 (perform a full export/import of the relevant LDIF file).

Upgrading from a File-Based ZIP Distribution of DSEE 6.x

Use the following steps to upgrade from a file-based ZIP distribution of Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3 to the file-based ZIP distribution of version 6.3.1:

  1. Upgrade the installation to version 6.3.1, as described in Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1 Using ZIP distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes.

  2. Install the Directory Service Control Center if it was not already installed in the previous 6.x version, as described in Installing Directory Service Control Center From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

Upgrading from a File-Based ZIP Distribution of DSEE 5.x

Use the following steps to upgrade from a file-based ZIP distribution of Directory Server Enterprise Edition 5.x to the file-based ZIP distribution of version 6.3.1:

  1. Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3, as described in To Install Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

  2. Upgrade the installation to version 6.3.1, as described in Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1 Using ZIP distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes.

  3. Migrate all the Directory Server 5.x instances to version 6.3.1, as described in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Migration Guide.

  4. Install the Directory Service Control Center, as described in Installing Directory Service Control Center From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

Upgrading from a Package-Based Distribution of DSEE 6.x

To upgrade from the package-based distribution of Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 (in Java ES 5) or 6.2 (in Java ES 5 Update 1) to version 6.3.1, follow the instructions in Upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1 Using Native Packages in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes. Note that the upgraded installation is not exactly equivalent to installing the file-based ZIP distribution of version 6.3.1 because it represents a package-based upgrade, not a file-based installation.

Upgrading from a Package-Based Distribution of DSEE 5.x

Use the following steps to upgrade from the package-based distribution of Directory Server 5.2 and Directory Proxy Server 5.2 (in Java ES 2005Q4) to Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1. Note that the upgraded installation is not exactly equivalent to installing the file-based ZIP distribution of version 6.3.1 because it represents a package-based upgrade, not a file-based installation.

  1. Install DSEE 6.0 from Java ES 5.

  2. Upgrade to DSEE 6.3.1. Download and upgrade shared components, and then download and upgrade DS 6.3 by means of patches. Refer to Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes for more information.

  3. Migrate from 5.x to 6.3.1 using the instructions in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Migration Guide.

Upgrading to Web Server 7.0 Update 6

Past versions of Web Server were delivered in two ways:

Direct migration from a Web Server version lower than 6.0 is not supported. See Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Notes in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Release Notes for more information.

To support these past practices, Web Server provides three upgrade paths to version 7.0 Update 6:

The remainder of this section explains the following topics:

Upgrading from a File-Based ZIP Distribution of Web Server 7.x

This installation program provided with Web Server 7.0 Update 6 can identify and upgrade Web Server file-based installations back to version 7.0.

Before Upgrading – Before using the Web Server 7.0 Update 6 installer to upgrade an older 7.x file-based installation, you should review Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Notes in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Release Notes and Migration and Upgrade in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Release Notes .

To Upgrade – To upgrade a Web Server 7.x file-based installation using the Web Server 7.0 Update 6 installer, see Upgrading the Web Server from 7.0 to 7.0 Update 6 in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Installation and Migration Guide.

Upgrading from a Package-Based Distribution of Web Server 7.x

To upgrade from the package-based distribution of Web Server 7.0 (in Java ES 5) or 7.0 Update 1 (in Java ES 5 Update 1) to version 7.0 Update 6, apply the patches for the appropriate platform, as described in Upgrade in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Release Notes. Before downloading and installing the patches, you should review Migration and Upgrade in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Release Notes, also in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 4 Release Notes.

Note that the upgraded installation is not exactly equivalent to installing the file-based ZIP distribution of version 7.0 Update 6 because it represents a package-based upgrade, not a file-based installation.

Upgrading from Web Server 6.x or Older Versions

Web Server 6.0 and 6.1 configurations can be migrated to 7.0 Update 6. Direct migration from a Web Server version lower than 6.0 is not supported. Earlier versions such as Web Server 4.0 or later must first be migrated to Web Server 6.1, then to Web Server 7.0. Follow these steps to migrate from Web Server 6.x versions:

  1. Install Web Server 7.0 Update 6, as described in Chapter 2, Installing the Web Server, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Installation and Migration Guide.

  2. Migrate 6.x server instances to 7.0 Update 6, as described in Chapter 5, Migrating to Web Server 7.0, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Installation and Migration Guide.

Upgrading to Message Queue 4.3

Versions of Message Queue prior to Java ES 6 were delivered in two ways:

To support these past practices, Message Queue provides two upgrade paths to version 4.3:

Upgrading to Message Queue 4.3 on the Solaris or Linux Platform

On Solaris and Linux, the installer provided with Message Queue 4.3 can automatically identify and upgrade Message Queue installations back to version 3.6, and the following instance data from the existing installation will be used by version 4.3:

Before Upgrading – Before using the Message Queue 4.3 installer to upgrade an older version, you should review Compatibility Issues in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide. You should also review Upgrading from Previous Versions in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide or Upgrading from Previous Versions in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide.

To Upgrade – To upgrade a Message Queue installation using the Message Queue 4.3 installer, seeInstallation Procedure in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide or Installation Procedure in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide.

Upgrading to Message Queue 4.3 on the Windows Platform

On Windows, upgrading from past versions of Message Queue to version 4.3 is not supported, but version 4.3 can coexist with past versions in different locations on the same system. As an alternative, you can:

  1. Save data from the past version.

  2. Uninstall the past version.

  3. Install version 4.3.

  4. Migrate data saved in Step 1 to the version 4.3 installation.

For information about this alternative, see Windows in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide.

Refer to Compatibility Issues in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Installation Guide to help you decide whether to install a coexistent copy of version 4.3 or to replace the past version with version 4.3.

Upgrading to GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1.1

GlassFish Enterprise Server supports upgrade from a variety of products:

For a complete list of the products, versions, and distributions that are supported for upgrade, see Upgrade Overview in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Upgrade Guide.

Note –

GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1.1 is functionally equivalent to GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Patch 6. If you have already performed the 2.1P6 patch upgrade, you do not need to perform the 2.1.1 upgrade.

To support the various products and distributions, GlassFish Enterprise Server offers four upgrade paths:

These upgrade paths, and the instructions for following them, are described in Chapter 2, Upgrading an Enterprise Server Installation, in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Upgrade Guide.

Before performing an upgrade to GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1.1, you should review Chapter 1, Enterprise Server Compatibility Issues, in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Upgrade Guide and Upgrading the Enterprise Server in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Release Notes.

Upgrading to Web Proxy Server 4.0.11

Past versions of Web Proxy Server were delivered in two ways:

To support these past practices, Web Proxy Server provides three upgrade paths to version 4.0.11:

Upgrading from a File-Based ZIP Distribution of Web Proxy Server 4.x

This installation program provided with Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 can identify and upgrade Web Proxy Server file-based installations back to version 4.0.

To upgrade a Web Proxy Server 4.x file-based installation using the Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 installer, see Chapter 1, Installing Sun Java System Web Proxy Server, in Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Installation and Migration Guide.

Upgrading from a Package-Based Distribution of Web Proxy Server 4.x

To upgrade from the package-based distribution of Web Proxy Server 4.0.1 (in Java ES 2005Q4), 4.0.4 (in Java ES 5) or 4.0.5 (in Java ES 5 Update 1) to version 4.0.11, apply the patches for the appropriate platform, as described in Upgrade Support in Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Release Notes.

Note that the upgraded installation is not exactly equivalent to installing the file-based ZIP distribution of version 4.0.11 because it represents a package-based upgrade, not a file-based installation.

Upgrading from Web Proxy Server 3.6

Web Proxy Server does not support a direct upgrade to version 4.0.11 from versions prior to 4.0. Instead, follow the instructions provided in Chapter 3, Migrating From Version 3.6, in Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Installation and Migration Guide.

Upgrading to OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Update 1 Patch 2

Upgrading to OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 U1P2 is supported from the following releases and platforms:

Previous Release 

Upgrade Supported From This Platform 

Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 

Upgrade is supported for: 

  • Sun Java Enterprise System package based installations

  • WAR file deployment only if the configuration data is in Sun Java System Directory Server.

Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Linux, and Windows systems 

Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 

Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, and Linux systems 

Sun Java System Federation Manager 7.0 

Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Linux, and Windows systems 

For information about upgrading to OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 U1P2, see Installing OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Update 1.

Note –

Several issues with Portal Server can arise as a result of upgrading Access Manager to OpenSSO Enterprise. For information about these issues, see Chapter 3, Known Issues and Limitations, in Sun Java Enterprise System 7 Release Notes.