Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

CR 6948937: Activating OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 in WebLogic Server 10.3.3 admin console causes exceptions

If you deploy OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 (opensso.war) in the WebLogic Server 10.3.3 administration console and click Start to allow OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 to start receiving requests, exceptions are thrown in the console where the WebLogic Server domain was started.

Note: After you start OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2, it remains started and exceptions are not thrown again until OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 is stopped and then restarted.

Workaround. Copy the saaj-impl.jar file from the OpenSSO 8 Update 2 opensso-client-jdk15.war file to the WebLogic Server 10.3.3 configuration endorsed directory, as follows:

  1. Stop the Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.3 domain.

  2. If necessary, unzip the OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 file.

  3. Create a temporary directory and unzip the zip-root/opensso/samples/ file in that directory, where zip-root is where you unzipped the file. For example:

    cd zip-root/opensso/samples
    mkdir ziptmp
    cd ziptmp
    unzip ../
  4. Create a temporary directory and extract the saaj-impl.jar file from opensso-client-jdk15.war. For example:

    cd zip-root/opensso/samples/ziptmp/war
    mkdir wartmp
    cd wartmp
    jar xvf ../opensso-client-jdk15.war WEB-INF/lib/saaj-impl.jar
  5. Create a new directory named endorsed under the WEBLOGIC_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib directory (if endorsed does not already exist), where WEBLOGIC_JAVA_HOME is the JDK that WebLogic Server is configured to use.

  6. Copy the saaj-impl.jar file to the WEBLOGIC_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed directory.

  7. Start the WebLogic Server domain.