Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

ProcedureTo Configure JDBC Authentication with Oracle Database

  1. Download the ojdbc6.jar file from the following URL:

  2. Create a staging area and change to that directory. For example:

    mkdir /tmp/staging
    cd /tmp/staging
  3. Explode the opensso.war in the staging area.

    jar xf opensso.war
  4. Change to the WEB-INF/lib directory.

  5. Copy ojdbc6.jar into that directory. For example:

    cp OJDBC6_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION/ojdbc6.jar 
  6. Create an updated opensso.war file from the staging area. For example:

    cd ../..
    jar cf /tmp/opensso.war *
  7. Undeploy the current opensso.war.

  8. Deploy the opensso.war file you created in Step 6.

  9. Restart the OpenSSO web container instance.