Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Deployment Planning Guide


The netstat tool gives statistics on the network subsystem. It can be used to analyze many aspects of the network subsystem, two of which are the TCP/IP kernel module and the interface bandwidth. An overview of both uses follow.

netstat -I hme0 10

These netstat options are used to analyze interface bandwidth. The upper bound (max) of the current throughput can be calculated from the output. The upper bound is reported because the netstat output reports the metric of packets, which do not necessarily have to be their maximum size. The upper bound of the bandwidth can be calculated using the following equation:

Bandwidth Used = (Total number of Packets) / (Polling Interval (10) ) ) * MTU (1500 default).

The current MTU for an interface can be found with: ifconfig -a

netstat -I hme0 10 Output
#netstat -I hme0 10
 input   hme0      output           input  (Total)    output
packets errs  packets errs  colls  packets errs  packets errs  colls
122004816 272   159722061 0     0      348585818 2582  440541305 2     2
0       0     0       0     0      84144   0     107695  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      96144   0     123734  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      89373   0     114906  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      84568   0     108759  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      84720   0     108800  0     0

What to Look For


netstat —sP tcp options are used to analyze the TCP kernel module. Many of the fields reported represent fields in the kernel module that indicate bottlenecks. These bottlenecks can be addressed using the ndd command and the tuning parameters.

netstat -sP tcp Output

#netstat -sP tcp

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   400


        tcpInDupSegs        =  1144     tcpInDupBytes       =132520
        tcpInPartDupSegs    =     1     tcpInPartDupBytes   =   416
        tcpInPastWinSegs    =     0     tcpInPastWinBytes   =     0
        tcpInWinProbe       =    46     tcpInWinUpdate      =    48
        tcpInClosed         =   251     tcpRttNoUpdate      =   344
        tcpRttUpdate        =1105386    tcpTimRetrans       =   989
        tcpTimRetransDrop   =     5     tcpTimKeepalive     =   818
        tcpTimKeepaliveProbe=   183     tcpTimKeepaliveDrop =     0
        tcpListenDrop       =     0     tcpListenDropQ0     =     0
        tcpHalfOpenDrop     =     0     tcpOutSackRetrans   =    56

What to look for


What to Look For

Consider the following: