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Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1 Administration Guide


Active Directory Connector adc.ini     Provides bi-directional synchronization of Active Directory user and group data into its Connector View.

ACI     Access control instruction (see Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Administrator’s Guide for details)

ADSI     Active Directory Server Interface. Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1 Supports ADSI 2.5 See also

Attribute flow rules     There are five types of rules: join rules, attribute flow rules, DN mapping rules, filters and attribute construction rules. Attribute Flow rules allow you to map attributes between a Connector View and a Meta View.

Attribute construction rules     There are five types of rules: join rules, attribute flow rules, DN mapping rules, filters and attribute construction rules. A constructed attribute is an attribute name and its value created from information in a source entry. Once created, the constructed attribute will show up as an attribute choice during the creation of attribute flow rules.

BDC     Backup Domain Controller

Cascading Meta Views     Cascading Meta View set up is one where data from various Sun ONE Meta-Directory installations get synchronized into one single repository.

CCS     Stands for Coded Character Set which is a well-defined mapping from integer numbers to abstract characters.

changelog     Is a mechanism for detecting change in a data source. See Retro changelog and changelog discussed in the Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1 Deployment Guide.

Charset     A digital representation of text.

CN     Common Name

CSN     Change Sequence Number. In a multi-mastered environment, a client will typically modify the contents of an entry at one of the several masters. Around the same time, another client may modify the same entry at a different master. At some later point in time, the master (supplier) servers and the replicas will attempt to reconcile the changes in directory contents. A URP (Update Resolution Procedure) algorithm is then used to determine the correct ordering of various operations. This URP algorithm uses CSNs to determine the ordering of the operations. In a distributed environment (such as multi-mastered) replication, CSNs provide a sense of global logical time and hence a basis for ordering operations which have been initially performed at different servers.

Connectors Direct and Indirect     Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 and an Oracle database accessible using Oracle Call Interface have direct connections to the Join Engine. Because the Join Engine understands LDAP, it can directly read or write any entry stored on an LDAP-based Directory Server. In order to read and write to an entry stored within Oracle's SQL database, the Join Engine uses the Database connector plug-in to provide direct, two-way access. (Because the Database Connector is a Join Engine plug-in as opposed to a connector outside the Join Engine, it is considered a direct connector.)

Indirect connectors are used to transport entries stored in external data sources that use protocol not directly accessible by the Join Engine. The indirect connectors manage the process, transforming the data using rules and filters. (The indirect connector rules include Attribute Flow Rules, Default Attribute Value Rules and Filter Rules.) They create a replica image of the external data source in an instance of the Sun ONE Meta-Directory Server (Connector View).

Connector View     Refers to a data source that is synchronized with the Meta View via the Join Engine. A Connector View is an LDAP representation of data that resides in an external source.

CSV     Comma Separated Values

CV     A Connector View is an LDAP representation of data that resides in an external source. Connector views provide LDAP-ready information to the Join Engine, which uses this information to build the Meta View.

DIT     Directory Information Tree

Data Source     Is some source of Data. Data from a Data Source will conform to a particular Model, which itself will be expressed in a Meta Model different Data Sources have different capabilities. Some can generate Events and perform their own Change Detection, while some require Change Detection and Event Generation to be performed on their behalf.

Directory Server     Refers to an installed instance of Sun ONE Directory Server

DCNS     Directory Change Notification Server. See also Join Engine.

Database Connector     Provides bi-directional synchronization between Oracle and the Meta View.

DN     Distinguished Name

DN rules     There are five types of rules: join rules, attribute flow rules, DN mapping rules, filters and attribute construction rules. Distinguished Name (DN) mapping rules are used as guidelines to compose a DN within the target view for the replicated entry.

DSML     Directory Services Markup Language

External data source     Refers to any user data that originates outside of the core Meta-Directory components, whether the data is coming from another database, Directory Server, data file, or other source of data.

filters     There are five types of rules: join rules, attribute flow rules, DN mapping rules, filters and attribute construction rules. An indirect connector uses filtering rules to selectively exclude entries from the synchronization process.

Fix-it Tool     Helps you to create or delete manual links between entries when automated linking breaks.

iPlanet Meta Directory     iMD refers to iPlanet Meta Directory and any installed instances of the iPlanet Meta-Directory. This is the old name for iPlanet Meta-Directory 5.0 that has now been superseded by Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1.

ISO8859-1     A CCS which supports characters needed for writing Western Europe languages, in addition to US-ASCII characters. A member of ISO 8859 family of character codes.

ISO8859-15     A member of ISO 8859 family of character codes, which supports the Euro symbol.

Join Engine     The Join Engine is responsible for directing the flow and synchronization of data between one or more Connector Views and the Meta View.

Join rule     There are five types of rules: join rules, attribute flow rules, DN mapping rules, filters and attribute construction rules. Join rules manage the manipulation of data from the Connector View to the Meta View.

LDAP     Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See RFC 2251.

LDIF     LDAP Data Interchange Format. An LDIF file is a text version of LDAP data.

MDS     Meta-Directory Services is an abbreviation commonly used within attributes.

Meta View     Refers to a sub tree in a Directory Server that is the final aggregate view of all Connector Views in a Meta Directory deployment. See also MV

Master     Refers to the read/write instance of a Directory Server environment. In most cases Master is used in conjunction with the Meta View.

MV     Meta View. The Meta View is a unified view of entries from one or more Connector Views; it represents the result of the join process. See also Meta View

MMR     Multi Master Replication. Refer to the Sun ONE Meta-Directory Deployment Guide.

NETSITE_ROOT     The installation Directory for Sun ONE Meta-Directory

NDS     Novell Directory Server. Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1 supports the Novell Directory Connector.

NIS     Network Information Services

NT     Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. Sun ONE Meta-Directory supports the synchronization of users and groups from NT domain via NT Domain Connector.

NVP     Name Value Pair. A UTC can read NVP formatted data.

OCI library     Oracle Call Interface Library, required by the Oracle Direct Connector.

OID     Object Identifier. An implementation-specific integer or pointer that uniquely identifies an object.

Participating View     In order for a Connector View to be accessed by the Meta View it must be added as a Participating View and configured to participate in the join process. Once a Connector View becomes a Participating View and is enabled, data can flow bi-directionally between that view and the Meta View.

PDC     Primary Domain Controller used on Windows network.

Query Tool     A tool used by an administrator to generate many types of searches

Retro Changelog plug-in     The plug-in that, when enabled, writes entry for a change made in the Directory Server in the cn=changelog sub tree.

Root DSE     A Root DSE is an entry that contains information specific to the Directory Server. In a directory tree, the root of the tree is the root DSE. DSE stands for DSA-specific entry. A DSA is a directory system agent, which is an X.500 term for a Directory Server. You can retrieve the root DSE of Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 with the following operation: ldapsearch –h <host> -p <port> -b “” –s base “objectclass=*”.

Ruleset     A rule set contains an ordered group of configured rules which are sequentially tested until either one of two things occur:

An individual rule identifies an entry

All rules fail and the entry is not passed

Rules     A configured rule consists of one or more of these three operator strings:

Optional Token Assignments (Format Operator)

Selection Criteria (Requirements Operator)

Distinguished Name Construction/Join Filter/Attribute Construction (Substitution Operator)

SAM     Security Accounts Manager on Windows 2000/NT platform.

Schema     Something that formally describes the abstract structure of a set of data. An XML-schema is a document that describes the valid format of an XML data-set. This definition include what elements are (and are not) allowed at any point; what the attributes for any element may be; the number of occurrences of elements; etc.

Server Group     Sun ONE Console uses server groups to represent the different sets of Sun ONE servers and services. Consult the Console chapter within this guide for more information about this.

task.cfg     Text configuration file used to describe data that you want to flow into and out of the Connector View. You must customize this file for each external data source you want to synchronize with your Meta-Directory views. See also UTC.     Perl script that implements the interface between the script and the Universal Text Connector. See also UTC,     Perl module that contains a generic set of routines for parsing files. See also UTC.

Traverse     The Traverse option allows you to choose whether to scan entries in the Meta-View or the Connector view.

UID     User Identifier     Perl module that contains the main engine for interpreting user settings in the configuration file. See also UTC.

Update Resolution Procedure (URP)     The process by which update conflicts are detected and resolved. The update resolution policy determines the method used to resolve update conflicts. Consistent application of the same URP across all cooperating servers guarantees that the system, after synchronization, will eventually reach a consistent state, in which all servers contain the same data.

Update Conflict     An update conflict arises when changes made by clients at different updateable servers affect either the same attribute values of an entry or the name of the entry in such a way that the eventual state of the system depends on the order in which the updates are applied.     Is a tool for upgrading from one version of Meta-Directory to another.

US-ASCII     A CCS with a 7 bit code where the code numbers range from 0-127

UTC     Universal Text Connector. A framework using which the majority of indirect connectors like Active Directory, NT Domain, Exchange connectors have been developed with Sun ONE Meta-Directory 5.1.1.

UTF-8     A /Unicode transformation format/ (UTF) is an algorithmic mapping from every Unicode scalar value to a unique byte sequence. UTF-8 is a standard 8bit transformation format. Sun ONE Meta-directory now supports this encoding,.

UTP     The Universal Text Parser is a set of text file parsers and generators that are used with the UTC to make certain text files [currently Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files, LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) files and Name-Value Pair (NVP) files] compatible with the Connector View.

View     In joining data, Meta-Directory lets you view information in two ways, in Connector Views and in Meta Views. A Connector View displays data from an external data source. A Meta View displays integrated data from a number of Connector Views.

XML     eXtensible Markup Language. It is called extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML (a single, predefined markup language). Instead, XML is actually a `metalanguage' --a language for describing other languages--which lets you design your own customized markup languages for limitless different types of documents.

WINDOWS1252     Similar to ISO8859-1 but uses the reserved code positions 128-159 of ISO8859-1 for printable characters. It also supports Euro character.

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