Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability Administration Guide

Single Sign-On Groups

Applications that can be accessed through a single name and password combination constitute a single sign-on group. For HTTP sessions corresponding to applications that are part of a single sign-on group, if one of the sessions times out, other sessions are not invalidated and continue to be available. This is because time out of one session should not affect the availability of other sessions.

As a corollary of this behavior, if a session times out and you try to access the corresponding application from the same browser window that was running the session, you are not required to authenticate again. However, a new session is created.

Take the example of a shopping cart application that is a part of a single sign-on group with two other applications. Assume that the session time out value for the other two applications is higher than the session time out value for the shopping cart application. If your session for the shopping cart application times out and you try to run the shopping cart application from the same browser window that was running the session, you are not required to authenticate again. However, the previous shopping cart is lost, and you have to create a new shopping cart. The other two applications continue to run as usual even though the session running the shopping cart application has timed out.

Similarly, suppose a session corresponding to any of the other two applications times out. You are not required to authenticate again while connecting to the application from the same browser window in which you were running the session.

Note –

This behavior applies only to cases where the session times out. If single sign-on is enabled and you invalidate one of the sessions using HttpSession.invalidate() , the sessions for all applications belonging to the single sign-on group are invalidated. If you try to access any application belonging to the single sign-on group, you are required to authenticate again, and a new session is created for the client accessing the application.