Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Reference

Element Hierarchy

The element hierarchy for the domain.xml file is as follows. To make the hierarchy more readable, elements having property as their last or only subelement are marked with a P, and the property subelements are not shown. Parent/child relationships between elements are shown, but not cardinality. For those details, see the element descriptions.

domain P
.    applications
.    .    lifecycle-module P
.    .   .    description
.    .    j2ee-application
.    .   .    description
.    .    web-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    ejb-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-module
.    .   .    description
.    .    appclient-module
.    .   .    description
.    resources
.    .    custom-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    external-jndi-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    jdbc-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    mail-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    persistence-manager-factory-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    admin-object-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-resource P
.    .   .    description
.    .    resource-adapter-config P
.    .    jdbc-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .    connector-connection-pool P
.    .   .    description
.    .   .    security-map
.    .   .    .    principal
.    .   .    .    user-group
.    .   .    .    backend-principal
.    configs
.    .    config P
.    .   .    http-service P
.    .   .    .    access-log
.    .   .    .    request-processing
.    .   .    .    keep-alive
.    .   .    .    connection-pool
.    .   .    .    http-protocol
.    .   .    .    http-file-cache
.    .   .    .    http-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    virtual-server P
.    .   .    .   .    http-access-log
.    .   .    iiop-service
.    .   .    .    orb P
.    .   .    .    ssl-client-config
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    iiop-listener P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    admin-service P
.    .   .    .    jmx-connector P
.    .   .    .   .    ssl 
.    .   .    .    das-config P
.    .   .    connector-service
.    .   .    web-container P
.    .   .    .    session-config
.    .   .    .   .    session-manager
.    .   .    .   .    .    manager-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    .    store-properties P
.    .   .    .   .    session-properties P
.    .   .    ejb-container P
.    .   .    .    ejb-timer-service P
.    .   .    mdb-container P
.    .   .    jms-service P
.    .   .    .    jms-host P
.    .   .    log-service P
.    .   .    .    module-log-levels P
.    .   .    security-service P
.    .   .    .    auth-realm P
.    .   .    .    jacc-provider P
.    .   .    .    audit-module P
.    .   .    .    message-security-config
.    .   .    .   .    provider-config P
.    .   .    .   .    .    request-policy
.    .   .    .   .    .    response-policy
.    .   .    transaction-service P
.    .   .    monitoring-service P
.    .   .    .    module-monitoring-levels P
.    .   .    java-config P
.    .   .    .    profiler P
.    .   .    .   .    jvm-options
.    .   .    .    jvm-options
.    .   .    availability-service P
.    .   .    .    web-container-availability P
.    .   .    .    ejb-container-availability P
.    .   .    thread-pools
.    .   .    .    thread-pool
.    .   .    alert-service P
.    .   .    .    alert-subscription
.    .   .    .   .    listener-config P
.    .   .    .   .    filter-config P
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    servers
.    .    server P
.    .   .    application-ref
.    .   .    resource-ref
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    clusters
.    .    cluster P
.    .   .    server-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    .   .    resource-ref
.    .   .    application-ref
.    .   .    system-property
.    .   .    .    description
.    node-agents
.    .    node-agent P
.    .   .    jmx-connector P
.    .   .    .    ssl 
.    .   .    auth-realm P
.    .   .    log-service P
.    .   .    .    module-log-levels P
.    lb-configs
.    .    lb-config P
.    .   .    cluster-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    .   .    server-ref
.    .   .    .    health-checker
.    system-property
.    .    description