Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Upgrade and Migration Guide

ProcedureTo Migrate Rich Clients From 7 EE to 8.1 EE

  1. Add the following jvm-options under java-config element for enabling RMI/IIOP failover feature:

    <jvm-config java-home=path...server-classpath=path>
  2. Add the following entry in server.xml to setup the iiop-cluster.

         <iiop-server-instance name=<server-name>>
             <iiop-endpoint id=orb-listener-id, host=hostname, port=orb-listener-port/>
  3. Update sun-acc.xml with the following new entries:

    <property-name=¨com.sun.appserv.iiop.loadbalancingpolicy" value="ic-based" />
    <property name="com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints" value="hostname:port" />

    The host and port is that of ORB-lister-1 ”s which is defined under iiop-listener element in server.xml.