Writing Device Drivers


The prtconf(1M) command (excerpted example follows) displays all the devices in the system:

	pci, instance #0
								ebus, instance #0
       auxio (driver not attached)
       power (driver not attached)
       SUNW,pll (driver not attached)
       sc (driver not attached)
       se, instance #0
       su, instance #0
       su, instance #1
       ecpp (driver not attached)
       fdthree (driver not attached)
       eeprom (driver not attached)
       flashprom (driver not attached)
       SUNW,CS4231 (driver not attached)
 								network, instance #0
 								scsi, instance #0
       disk (driver not attached)
       tape (driver not attached)
       sd, instance #0
       sd, instance #1 (driver not attached)
       sd, instance #2 (driver not attached)
       sd, instance #3 (driver not attached)
       sd, instance #4 (driver not attached)
       sd, instance #5 (driver not attached)
pci, instance #1
SUNW,UltraSPARC-II (driver not attached)
SUNW,ffb (driver not attached)
pseudo, instance #0