Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Appendix D Sample Custom JumpStart Setup

The following example shows how you would set up custom JumpStart installations for a sample site. The example includes SPARC-- and x86-based systems.

Note -

The name of this product is Solaris 7 but code and path or package path names may use Solaris 2.7 or SunOS 5.7. Always follow the code or path as it is written.

Sample Site Setup

Figure D-1 shows the site setup for this example.

Figure D-1 Sample Site Setup


At this sample site:

Note -

The peripheral devices for the marketing systems are preconfigured in the sysidcfg file located on the Solaris boot diskette.

Create an Install Server

Because the groups need to install Solaris software over the network, you make server-1 an install server for both groups. You use the setup_install_server command to copy the x86 and SPARC Solaris CDs to the server-1 local disk (in the /export/install directory).

Also, because you must copy a Solaris CD to an empty directory, you copy the Solaris CD images to separate directories (the x86_2.7 and sparc_2.7 directories).

You insert the x86 Solaris CD into the server-1 CD-ROM drive.

server-1# cd /CD_mount_point/Solaris_2.7/Tools
server-1# ./setup_install_server /export/install/x86_2.7

You insert the SPARC Solaris CD into the server-1 CD-ROM drive.

server-1# cd /CD_mount_point/Solaris_2.7/Tools
server-1# ./setup_install_server /export/install/sparc_2.7

Create a Boot Server for Marketing Systems

Systems cannot boot from an install server on a different subnet, so you make server-2 a boot server on the marketing group's subnet. You use the setup_install_server command to copy the boot software from the x86 Solaris CD to the server-2 local disk (in the /export/boot directory).

You insert the x86 Solaris CD into the server-2 CD-ROM drive.

server-2# cd /CD_mount_point/Solaris_2.7/Tools
server-2# ./setup_install_server -b /export/boot

In the setup_install_server command,


Specifies that setup_install_server will copy the boot information from the Solaris CD to the directory named /export/boot.

Create a JumpStart Directory

Now that you have the install and boot servers set up, you set up a JumpStart directory on server-1. (Any system on the network can be used). This directory will hold files necessary for a custom JumpStart installation of Solaris software. You set up this directory by copying the sample directory from one of the Solaris CD images that has been put in /export/install.

server-1# mkdir /jumpstart
server-1# cp -r /export/install/sparc_2.7/Solaris_2.7/Misc/jumpstart_sample 

Share the JumpStart Directory

To make the rules file and profiles accessible to systems on the network, you share the /jumpstart directory. This is done by adding the following line to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file:

share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /jumpstart

Then, at the command line, you use the shareall command.

server-1# shareall

Create the Engineering Group's Profile

For the engineering systems, you create a file named eng_prof in the /jumpstart directory. The eng_prof file has the following entries, which define the Solaris software to be installed on systems in the engineering group.

 [Specifies that the installation will be treated as an initial installation, as opposed to an upgrade.]  install_type  initial_install
 [Specifies that the engineering systems are standalone systems.] 	system_type   standalone
 [Specifies that the JumpStart software uses default disk partitioning for installing Solaris software on the engineering systems.] 	partitioning  default
 [Specifies that the developer's software group will be installed.] 	cluster       SUNWCprog
 [Specifies that each system in the engineering group will have 50 Mbytes of swap space.] 	filesys       any 50 swap

Create the Marketing Group's Profile

For the marketing systems, you create a file named marketing_prof in the /jumpstart directory. The marketing_prof file has the following entries, which define the Solaris software to be installed on systems in the marketing group.

 [Specifies that the installation will be treated as an initial installation, as opposed to an upgrade.]  install_type  initial_install
 [Specifies that the installation will be treated as an initial installation, as opposed to an upgrade.] 	system_type   standalone
 [Specifies that the JumpStart software will use default disk partitioning for installing Solaris on the marketing systems.] 	partitioning  default
 [Specifies that the end user software group is to be installed.] 	cluster       SUNWCuser
 [Specifies that the audio demo software package is to be added to each system.] 	package       SUNWaudmo

Update the rules File

Now you must add rules to the rules file. The Solaris installation program uses the rules to select the correct installation (profile) for each system during a custom JumpStart installation.

At this site, each department is on its own subnet and network address. The engineering department is on subnet, and marketing is on You can use this information to control how the engineering and marketing systems are installed. In the /jumpstart directory, you edit the rules file, delete all of the example rules, and enter:

network - eng_prof -
network - marketing_prof -

Basically, these rules state that systems on the network will be installed using the eng_prof profile, and the systems on the network will be installed using the marketing_prof profile.

Note -

These are sample rules in which you can use a network address to identify which systems will be installed with the eng_prof and marketing_prof, respectively. You can also use host names, memory size, or model type as the rule keyword. See Table 8-2 for a complete list of keywords you can use in a rules file.

Check the rules File

After the rules and profile files are properly set up, you run the check script to verify the files.

server-1# cd /jumpstart
server-1# ./check

If check doesn't find any errors, it creates the rules.ok file.

Set Up Engineering Systems to Install Over the Network

After setting up the /jumpstart directory and appropriate files, you use the add_install_client command on the install server (server-1) to set up the engineering systems to install Solaris from the install server.

Note -

Host Manager can be used instead of add_install_client to set up the systems.

server-1# cd /export/install/sparc_2.7/Solaris_2.7/Tools
server-1# ./add_install_client -c server-1:/jumpstart host-eng1 sun4m
server-1# ./add_install_client -c server-1:/jumpstart host-eng2 sun4m


In the add_install_client command,


Specifies the server (server-1) and path (/jumpstart) to the JumpStart directory.


Is the name of a system in the engineering group. 


Is the name of another system in the engineering group.  


Specifies the platform group of the systems that will use server-1 as an install server. (This is the platform group for Sun SPARCstation 5 systems.)

Set Up Marketing Systems to Install Over the Network

Next, you use the add_install_client command on the boot server (server-2) to set up the marketing systems to boot from the boot server and install Solaris from the install server (server-1).

server-2# cd /marketing/boot-dir/Solaris_2.7/Tools
server-2# ./add_install_client -s server-1:/export/install/x86_2.7 
-c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt1 i86pc
server-2# ./add_install_client -s server-1:/export/install/x86_2.7 
-c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt2 i86pc

In the add_install_client command,


Specifies the install server (server-1) and the path to the Solaris software (/export/install/x86_2.7).


Specifies the server (server-1) and path (/jumpstart) to the JumpStart directory.


Is the name of a system in the marketing group. 


Is the name of another system in the marketing group.  


Specifies the platform group of the systems that will use this boot server. (This is the platform name for x86 systems.)

Boot the Engineering Systems and Install Solaris Software

After all the setup is complete, you can boot the engineering systems by using the following boot command at the ok (PROM) prompt of each system.

ok boot net - install

The systems will automatically install the Solaris operating environment.

Boot the Marketing Systems and Install Solaris Software

Next, you can boot the marketing systems by inserting the Solaris boot diskette and powering up each system. The systems automatically install the Solaris operating environment.