Solaris Advanced Installation Guide


AutoClient system

A system type that caches all of its needed system software from an OS server. Because it contains no permanent data, an AutoClient is a field replaceable unit (FRU). It requires a small local disk for swapping and for caching its individual root (/) and /usr file systems from an OS server.

begin script

A user-defined Bourne shell script, specified within the rules file, that performs tasks before the Solaris software is installed on the system. Begin scripts can be used only with custom JumpStart installations.

boot server

A server that provides boot services to systems on the same subnet. A boot server is required if the install server is on a different subnet than the systems that need to install the Solaris software from it.


A system connected to a network.


A logical grouping of software packages. The Solaris software is divided into software groups, which are each composed of clusters and packages.


A software group that contains the minimum software required to boot and run the Solaris operating environment on a system. It includes some networking software and the drivers required to run the OpenWindows environment; it does not include the OpenWindows software.

custom JumpStart installation

A type of installation in which the Solaris software is automatically installed on a system based on a user-defined profile. You can create customized profiles for different types of users and systems.

derived profile

A profile that is dynamically created by a begin script during a custom JumpStart installation.

developer system support

A software group that contains the End User System Support software group plus the libraries, include files, man pages, and programming tools for developing software.

disk configuration file

A file that represents a structure of a disk (for example, bytes/sector, flags, slices). Disk configuration files enable you to use pfinstall from a single system to test profiles on different sized disks.

diskless client

A networked system that does not have its own disk, so it relies completely on an OS server for software and file storage. Diskless clients do not have to use the Solaris installation program, because they use the software that is already installed on an OS server.


A part of the Internet naming hierarchy. It represents a group of systems on a local network that share administrative files.

domain name

The identification of a group of systems on a local network. A domain name consists of a sequence of component names separated by periods (for example: As you read a domain name from left to right, the component names identify more general (and usually remote) areas of administrative authority.

end user system support

A software group that contains the core software group plus the recommended software for an end user, including OpenWindows and DeskSet software.

entire distribution

A software group that contains the entire Solaris release.

entire distribution plus OEM support

A software group that contains the entire Solaris release, plus additional hardware support for OEMs. This software group is recommended when instaling Solaris software on servers.


Extended Industry Standard Architecture. A type of bus on x86 based systems. EISA bus standards are "smarter" that ISA bus systems, and attached devices can be automatically detected when they have been configured via the "EISA configurator" program supplied with the system. See ISA.


A directory that contains critical system configuration files and maintenance commands.


A file system on an OS server that is shared with other systems on a network. For example, the /export file system can contain the root file system and swap for diskless clients and the home directories for users on the network. Diskless clients rely on the /export file system on an OS server to boot and run.

fdisk partition

A logical partition of a disk drive dedicated to a particular operating system on x86 based systems. During the Solaris installation program, you must set up at least one Solaris fdisk partition on an x86 based system. x86 based systems are designed to support up to four different operating systems on each drive; each operating system must reside on a unique fdisk partition.

file server

A server that provides the software and file storage for systems on a network.

file system

A collection of files and directories that, when set into a logical hierarchy, make up an organized, structured set of information. File systems can be mounted from your local system or a remote system.

finish script

A user-defined Bourne shell script, specified within the rules file, that performs tasks after the Solaris software is installed on the system, but before the system reboots. Finish scripts can be used only with custom JumpStart installations.

host name

The name by which a system is known to other systems on a network. This name must be unique among all the systems within a given domain (usually, this means within any single organization). A host name can be any combination of letters, numbers, and minus sign (-), but it cannot begin or end with a minus sign.

initial installation option

An option presented during the Solaris installation program that overwrites the disk(s) with the new version of Solaris. The initial installation option is presented for upgradable systems; however, the disk(s) that contain the old version of Solaris software (including the local modifications) will be overwritten if you choose the initial installation option.

install server

A server that provides the Solaris CD image for other systems on a network to install from (also known as a media server). You can create an install server by copying the Solaris CD to the server's hard disk or by mounting the Solaris CD from the server's CD-ROM drive.

interactive installation

A type of installation where you have full hands-on interaction with the Solaris installation program to install the Solaris software on a system.

IP address

Internet protocol address. A unique number that identifies a networked system so it can communicate via Internet protocols. It consists of four numbers separated by periods. Most often, each part of the IP address is a number between 0 and 225; however, the first number must be less than 224 and the last number cannot be 0.

IP addresses are logically divided into two parts: the network (similar to a telephone area code), and the system on the network (similar to a phone number).


Industry Standard Architecture. A type of bus found in x86 based systems. ISA bus systems are "dumb" and provide no mechanism the system can use to detect and configure devices automatically. See EISA.

JumpStart directory

When using a profile diskette for custom JumpStart installations, the JumpStart directory is the root directory on the diskette that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files. When using a profile server for custom JumpStart installations, the JumpStart directory is a directory on the server that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files.

JumpStart installation

A type of installation in which the Solaris software is automatically installed on a system by using the factory-installed JumpStart software.


A specific language associated with a region or territory.


Micro Channel Architecture. A type of bus on x86 based systems. The MCA bus provides fast data transfer within the computer, and attached devices can be automatically detected when they have been configured using the reference disk provided by the manufacturer. The MCA bus is not compatible with devices for other buses.

media server

See install server.


The process of making a remote or local file system accessible by executing the mount command. To mount a file system, you need a mount point on the local system and the name of the file system to be mounted (for example, /usr).

mount point

A directory on a system where you can mount a file system that exists on the local or a remote system.

name server

A server that provides a name service to systems on a network.

name service

A distributed network database that contains key system information about all the systems on a network, so the systems can communicate with each other. With a name service, the system information can be maintained, managed, and accessed on a network-wide basis. Sun supports the following name services: NIS (formerly YP) and NIS+. Without a name service, each system has to maintain its own copy of the system information (in the local /etc files).

network installation

A way to install software over the network--from a system with a CD-ROM drive to a system without a CD-ROM drive. Network installations require a name server and an install server.

networked systems

A group of systems (called hosts) connected through hardware and software, so they can communicate and share information; referred to as a local area network (LAN). One or more servers are usually needed when systems are networked.


Network Information Service. A type of name service that is standard on SunOS 3.x, 4.x, and Solaris 1.x systems.


Network Information Service, Plus. The replacement for NIS that provides automatic information updating and adds security features such as authorization and authentication. NIS+ is the standard on Solaris 2.x and Solaris 7 systems.

non-networked systems

Systems that are not connected to a network or do not rely on other systems.


A file system that contains the mount points for third-party and unbundled software.

OS server

A system that provides services to systems on a network. To serve diskless clients, an OS server must have disk space set aside for each diskless client's root file system and swap space (/export/root, /export/swap). To serve AutoClient systems, an OS server must provide everything except the individual root (/) and /usr file systems required for swapping and caching.


A functional grouping of files and directories that form a software application. The Solaris software is divided into software groups, which are each composed of clusters and packages.

platform group

A vendor-defined grouping of hardware platforms for the purpose of distributing specific software. Examples of valid platform names are i86pc, sun4c.

platform name

The output of the uname -i command. For example, the platform name for the SPARCstation IPX is SUNW,Sun_4_50.


A text file that defines how to install the Solaris software (for example, which software group to install) on a system. Every rule specifies a profile to define how a system will be installed when the rule is matched. You usually create a different profile for every rule; however, the same profile can be used in more than one rule. See rules file.

profile diskette

A diskette that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files in its root directory (JumpStart directory).

profile server

A server that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files in a JumpStart directory.

/ (root)

The file system at the top of the hierarchical file tree on a system. The root directory contains the directories and files critical for system operation, such as the kernel, device drivers, and the programs used to start (boot) a system.


A series of values that assigns one or more system attributes to a profile.

rules file

A text file that should contain a rule for each group of systems (or single systems) that you want to automatically install. Each rule distinguishes a group of systems based one or more system attributes, and it links each group to a profile, which is a text file that defines how the Solaris software will be installed on each system in the group. See profile.

rules.ok file

A generated version of the rules file. It is required by the custom JumpStart installation software to match a system to a profile. You must use the check script to create the rules.ok file.


An area on a disk composed of a single range of contiguous blocks. A slice is a physical subset of a disk (except for slice 2, which by convention represents the entire disk). A disk can be divided into eight slices. Before you can create a file system on a disk, you must format it into slices.

Solaris CD image

The Solaris software that is installed on a system. It can be available from the Solaris CD or a copy of the Solaris CD on an install server's hard disk.

Solaris installation program

(1) A menu-driven, interactive program that enables you to set up a system and install the Solaris software on it. (2) Any part of the software that is used to install the Solaris software on a system.

software group

A logical grouping of the Solaris software (clusters and packages). During a Solaris installation, you can install one of the following software groups: core, end user system software, developer system support, or entire distribution.

standalone system

A system that has its own root (/) file system, swap space, and /usr file system, which reside on its local disk(s); it does not require boot or software services from an OS server. A standalone system can be connected to a network.


A working scheme that divides a single logical network into smaller physical networks to simplify routing.

subnet mask

A bit mask, which is 32 bits long, used to determine important network or system information from an IP address.

swap space

Disk space used for virtual memory storage when the system does not have enough system memory to handle current processes. Also known as the /swap or swap file system.

system types

The different ways a system can be set up to run the Solaris software. Valid system types are: standalone system, diskless client, AutoClient system, OS server. However, the only system types that are covered in this document are standalone system and OS server because these are the only system types that can be installed using the Solaris installation program.

time zone

Any of the 24 longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface for which a standard time is kept.

upgrade option

An option presented during the Solaris installation program. The upgrade procedure merges the new version of Solaris with existing files on your disk(s), and it saves as many local modifications as possible since the last time Solaris was installed.


A file system on a standalone system or server that contains many of the standard UNIX programs. Sharing the large /usr file system with a server rather than maintaining a local copy minimizes the overall disk space required to install and run the Solaris software on a system.


A file system or directory (on standalone systems) containing system files that are likely to change or grow over the life of the system. These include system logs, vi files, mail files, and uucp files.

Volume Management

A program that provides a mechanism to administer and obtain access to the data on CD-ROMs and diskettes.