Solaris Transition Guide

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide is divided into 2 parts with 19 chapters and 6 appendixes as outlined here.

Part 1: Transition Information for Users and System Administrators

You can use this part of the guide to help install Solaris 7 software, to understand changes to the local computing environment, and to understand changes to routine tasks.

This part of the guide contains the following chapters:

Part 2: Transition Information for Developers

This part of the guide concentrates on the changes that most affect developers. It describes these differences, points out similarities, and explains the implications for your programming environment.

This part contains the following chapters:

Reference Appendixes

The following appendixes comprises reference tables showing SunOS 4.1 interfaces and their status in several operating systems. This information is useful to users, system administrators, and developers. The appendixes are: