Application Packaging Developer's Guide

The Class Action Script

The class action script defines a set of actions to be executed during installation or removal of a package. The actions are performed on a group of path names based on their class definition. (See Chapter 5, Package Creation Case Studies for examples of class action scripts.)

The name of a class action script is based on the class on which it should operate and whether those operations should occur during package installation or removal. The two name formats are as follows:

Name Format 



Operates on path names in the indicated class during package installation. 


Operates on path names in the indicated class during package removal.  

For example, the name of the installation script for a class named manpage would be i.manpage and the removal script would be named r.manpage.

Note -

This file name format is not used for files belonging to the sed, awk, or build system classes. For more information on these special classes, see "The Special System Classes".