Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide


In OffTheSpot mode preediting using an input method, the location of preediting is fixed at just below the MainWindow area and on the right side of the status area as shown in Figure 1-4 . A Japanese input method is used for the example.

Figure 1-4 Example of OffTheSpot preediting with the VendorShell widget (Japanese)


In the system environment, when preediting using an input method, the preedit string being preedited may be highlighted in some form depending on the input method.

To use OffTheSpot mode, set the XmNpreeditType() resource of the VendorShell() widget either with the XtSetValues() function or with a resource file. The XmNpreeditType() resource can also be set as the resource of a TopLevelShell(), ApplicationShell(), or DialogShell() widget, all of which are subclasses of the VendorShell() widget class.