Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide

Passing Window Title and Icon Name to Window Managers

The default of the XtNtitleEncoding and XtNiconNameEncoding resources for the VendorShell class is set to None. This is done only when using the libXm.a library. The libXt.a library still retains XA_STRING as the default for the resources.

This is done so that, as a default case, the XmNtitle and XmNiconName resources are converted to a standard ICCC interchange, such as compound text, based on the assumption the text (title and icon name) is localized text.

It is recommended that the user not set the XtNtitleEncoding and XtNiconNameEncoding resources. Instead, ensure that the XtNtitle and XtNiconName resources are strings encoded in the encoding of the currently active locale of the running client. If the None value is used, the toolkit converts the localized text to the standard ICCC style. (The encoding communicated is COMPOUND_TEXT or XA_STRING.) If the XtNtitleEncoding and XtNiconNameEncoding resources are set, the XtNtitle and XtNiconName resources are not converted in any way and are communicated to the Window Manager with the encoding specified.

Assuming the Window Manager being communicated with is ICCC-compliant, that Window Manager is able to use the encoding type of COMPOUND_TEXT or XA_STRING, or both.

When setting the XmNdialogTitle resource of the XmBulletinBoard widget class, remember that there is a restriction on the charset segment. For charsets that are not X Consortium-standard compound text encodings or XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG-associated, the text segment is treated as localized text. Localized text is converted to either compound text or ISO8859-1 before being communicated to the Window Manager.

The Window Manager is enhanced so that it always converts the client title and icon name passed from clients to the encoding of its current locale, and an XmString is created using the XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG identifier. Thus, the client title and icon name are always drawn with the default font list entry of the Window Manager font list.

Note -

This allows clients running with different code sets but with similar character sets to communicate their titles to the Window Manager. For example, both a PC code client and an ISO8859-1 client can display their titles regardless of the code set of the Window Manager.