Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User's Guide

DtkshFloatRight, DtkshFloatLeft, DtkshFloatTop, and DtkshFloatBottom

These convenience functions simplify the specification of certain classes of form constraints. They provide a way of positioning a component, independent of the other components within the form. As the form grows or shrinks, the component maintains its relative position within the form. The component may still grow or shrink, depending upon the other form constraints specified for the component. This behavior is accomplished using the ATTACH_POSITION constraint.


DtkshFloatRight [position]  
DtkshFloatLeft [position] 
DtkshFloatTop [position]  
DtkshFloatBottom [position]

The optional position parameter specifies the relative position to which the indicated edge of the component is positioned. The position value is optional and defaults to 0 if one is not specified.


XtCreateManagedWidget BUTTON1 button1 XmPushButton $FORM \    
     labelString:"Ok" \
     $(DtkshUnder $SEPARATOR) \
     $(DtkshFloatLeft 10) \
     $(DtkshFloatRight 40)