Solaris X Window System Developer's Guide


The SUN-DES-1 authorization protocol was developed by Sun Microsystems. It is based on Secure Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and requires Data Encryption Software (DES) support. The authorization data is the machine-independent netname, or network name, of a user. This data is encrypted and sent to the server as part of the connection packet. The server decrypts the data, and, if the netname is known, allows the connection.

The SUN-DES-1 authorization protocol provides a higher level of security than the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 protocol. There is no way for another user to use your machine-independent netname to access a server, but it is possible for another user to use the magic cookie to access a server.

This protocol is available only in libraries in the OpenWindows Version 3 and later environments. Any applications built with static libraries, in particular Xlib, in environments prior to OpenWindows Version 3 cannot use this authorization protocol.

"Allowing Access When Using SUN-DES-1 " describes how to allow another user access to your server by adding their netname to your server's access list.