KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

How the Test Suite Works

You use kcmstest, a script-driven utility that you run from a command shell, to test your CMM for KCMS framework interaction. kcmstest is supported on SPARC(TM) and x86 platforms.

kcmstest interprets each script command, and the corresponding KCMS framework function call is performed. Then the next script command is read and again the appropriate framework function call is made. Any data or information that needs to be maintained to make the sequence of function calls coherent is provided by kcmstest.

Various options to kcmstest allow you to run one to several test scripts. As each test script command executes, information about it is displayed to the command shell window and to a log file. If at any time during execution of a KCMS framework function call an unexpected status is returned, the test is immediately aborted.