KCMS Calibrator Tool Loadable Interface Guide

Recommended Number of Measurements

Although there is no specified number of measurements for visuals, it is recommended that the number be large enough for the KCMS API library to perform a reasonable interpolation of data for each color channel. The XSolarisVisualGamma() (or colorsense()) module determines the number of intensity levels based on the bits_per_rgb value of the visual (that is, 2 bits_per_rgb). Then it measures every fourth intensity level to speed up measurement. If, for example, it is measuring a 6-bit frame buffer with 64 intensity levels, it performs 17 measurements. For an 8-bit frame buffer, it performs 65 measurements (including intensity 0). For intensity levels that are less than 8 bits_per_rgb, you must skip fewer intensity levels to achieve a more accurate resulting response curve.