Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide

NFS mounted callog file Unsupported.


After installing Solaris 2.6 on a system, when users try to bring up their calendars either with CDE's calendar manager (/usr/dt/bin/dtcm) or OpenWindow's calendar (/usr/openwin/bin/cm), they see the dialog box:

Calendar :Informational - NFS mounted callog file Unsupported.
Your default startup Calendar file appears to be NFS mounted or
a symlink to the same.  This is Not Supported.
The following error is displayed in the console window when the Continue button is clicked:

date time host rpc.cmsd[pid]: rpc.cmsd : 
	NFS mounted callog file Not Supported - user@host
date time host rpc.cmsd[pid]: rpc.cmsd : 
	NFS mounted callog file Not Supported - user@host
The calendars would've worked under 2.5.1 or before however.


It has long been known that NFS mounted calendars are not supported in Solaris. Of the calendar can be corrupted when more than one person uses the calendar at the same time. If two rpc.cmsd daemons write to the callog file at the same time, the file becomes corrupt. However, two rpc.cmsd daemons could be run simultaneously through Solaris 2.5.1 even though this isn't a supported configuration.

With Solaris 2.6, this is no longer an option. rpc.cmsd does not allow the user to bring up a calendar that is NFS mounted and produces the error message above.