Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide

/opt/bin/jws: /solaris/bin/locate_dirs: not found


This error message occurred when the customer used the link from /opt/bin/jws to /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws, to start Java Workshop. Typing in the full pathname works fine, typing jws gives the error.


This happens because /opt/bin/jws is not /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws, which a script that runs another script: $_SS_JWS_HOME/solaris/bin/locate_dirs.

So whatever /opt/bin/jws is, it is not setting $_SS_JWS_HOME correctly. Take that out of your path and put /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws in your path so which jws returns: /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws.