STREAMS Programming Guide


Generated by the Stream head in response to I_STR, I_LINK, I_UNLINK, I_PLINK, and I_PUNLINK ioctl(2)s (see streamio(7I)). Also generated in response to ioctl calls that contain a command argument value not defined in streamio(7I). When one of these ioctl(2) is received from a user process, the Stream head uses values supplied in the call and values from the process to create an M_IOCTL message containing them, then sends the message downstream. M_IOCTL messages perform the general ioctl(2) functions of character device drivers.

For an I_STR ioctl(2), the user values are supplied in a structure of the following form, provided as an argument to the ioctl(2) call (see I_STR in streamio(7I)):

struct strioctl
	int   ic_cmd;          /* downstream request */
	int   ic_timout;       /* ACK/NAK timeout */
	int   ic_len;          /* length of data arg */
	char  *ic_dp;          /* ptr to data arg */

where ic_cmd is the request (or command) defined by a downstream module or driver, ic_timout is the time the Stream head waits for acknowledgment to the M_IOCTL message before timing out, and ic_dp points to an optional data buffer. On input, ic_len contains the length of the data in the buffer passed in and, on return from the call, it contains the length of the data, if any, being returned to the user in the same buffer.

The M_IOCTL message format is one M_IOCTL message block followed by zero or more M_DATA message blocks. STREAMS constructs an M_IOCTL message block by placing an iocblk(9S) structure, defined in <sys/stream.h>, in its data buffer. The iocblk(9S) structure differ for 64-bit and 32-bit architectures.

#if defined(_LP64)
struct iocblk {
	int     ioc_cmd;       /* ioctl command type */
	cred_t  *ioc_cr;       /* full credentials */
	uint    ioc_id;        /* ioctl id */
	uint    ioc_flag;      /* see below */
	size_t  ioc_count;     /* count of bytes in data field */
	int     ioc_rval;      /* return value  */
	int     ioc_error;     /* error code */
struct iocblk {
	int     ioc_cmd;       /* ioctl command type */
	cred_t  *ioc_cr;       /* full credentials */
	uint    ioc_id;        /* ioctl id */
	size_t  ioc_count;     /* count of bytes in data field */
	int     ioc_error;     /* error code */
	int     ioc_rval;      /* return value  */
	intt    ioc_fill1;
	uint    ioc_flag;      /* see below */
	int     ioc_filler[2]; /* reserved for future use */
#endif  /* _LP64 */

For an I_STR ioctl(2), ioc_cmd corresponds to ic_cmd of the strioctl structure. ioc_cr points to a credentials structure defining the user process's permissions (see cred.hfile).. Its contents can be tested to determine if the user issuing the ioctl(2) call is authorized to do so. For an I_STR ioctl(2), ioc_count is the number of data bytes, if any, contained in the message and corresponds to ic_len.

ioc_id is an identifier generated internally, and is used by the Stream head to match each M_IOCTL message sent downstream with response messages sent upstream to the Stream head. The response message that completes the Stream head processing for the ioctl(2) is an M_IOCACK (positive acknowledgment) or an M_IOCNAK (negative acknowledgment) message.

For an I_STR ioctl(2), if a user supplies data to be sent downstream, the Stream head copies the data, pointed to by ic_dp in the strioctl structure, into M_DATA message blocks and links the blocks to the initial M_IOCTL message block. ioc_count is copied from ic_len. If there are no data, ioc_count is zero.

If the Stream head does not recognize the command argument of an ioctl(2), the head creates a transparent M_IOCTL message. The format of a transparent M_IOCTL message is one M_IOCTL message block followed by one M_DATA block. The form of the iocblk structure is the same as above. However, ioc_cmd is set to the value of the command argument in the ioctl(2) and ioc_count is set to TRANSPARENT, defined in <sys/stream.h>. TRANSPARENT distinguishes the case where an I_STR ioctl(2) specifies a value of ioc_cmd equivalent to the command argument of a transparent ioctl(2). The M_DATA block of the message contains the value of the arg parameter in the ioctl(2).

The first module or driver that understands the ioc_cmd request contained in the M_IOCTL acts on it. For an I_STR ioctl(2), this action generally includes an immediate upstream transmission of an M_IOCACK message. For transparent M_IOCTLs, this action generally includes the upstream transmission of an M_COPYIN or M_COPYOUT message.

Intermediate modules that do not recognize a particular request must pass the message on. If a driver does not recognize the request, or the receiving module can not acknowledge it, an M_IOCNAK message must be returned.

M_IOCACK and M_IOCNAK message types have the same format as an M_IOCTL message and contain an iocblk structure in the first block. An M_IOCACK block may be linked to following M_DATA blocks. If one of these messages reaches the Stream head with an identifier that does not match that of the currently-outstanding M_IOCTL message, the response message is discarded. A common means of ensuring that the correct identifier is returned is for the replying module to convert the M_IOCTL message into the appropriate response type and set ioc_count to 0, if no data is returned. Then, qreply(9F) is used to send the response to the Stream head.

In an M_IOCACK or M_IOCNAK message, ioc_error holds any return error condition set by a downstream module. If this value is non-zero, it is returned to the user in errno. Note that both an M_IOCNAK and an M_IOCACK can return an error. However, only an M_IOCACK can have a return value. For an M_IOCACK, ioc_rval holds any return value set by a responding module. For an M_IOCNAK, ioc_rval is ignored by the Stream head.

If a module processing an I_STR ioctl(2) is sending data to a user process, it must use the M_IOCACK message that it constructs such that the M_IOCACK block is linked to one or more following M_DATA blocks containing the user data. The module must set ioc_count to the number of data bytes sent. The Stream head places the data in the address pointed to by ic_dp in the user I_STR strioctl structure.

If a module processing a transparent ioctl(2) wants to send data to a user process, it can use only an M_COPYOUT message. For a transparent ioctl(2), no data can be sent to the user process in an M_IOCACK message. All data must be sent in a preceding M_COPYOUT message. The Stream head ignores any data contained in an M_IOCACK message (in M_DATA blocks) and frees the blocks.

No data can be sent with an M_IOCNAK message for any type of M_IOCTL. The Stream head ignores and frees any M_DATA blocks.

The Stream head blocks the user process until an M_IOCACK or M_IOCNAK response to the M_IOCTL (same ioc_id) is received. For an M_IOCTL generated from an I_STR ioctl(2), the Stream head times out if no response is received in ic_timout interval (the user can specify an explicit interval or specify use of the default interval). For M_IOCTL messages generated from all other ioctl(2)s, the default (infinite) is used.