Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

Sample Output

Sample output for navigating the entire namespace is displayed here.

Note the following:

% fnbrowse
> list
_myorgunit  ...  _myself  thishost  myself  _orgunit  _host 
_thisens  myens  thisens  org  orgunit  thisuser  _thishost 
myorgunit  _user  thisorgunit  host  _thisorgunit  _myens  user

Navigating the namespace is accomplished with the up and down commands. In the following output, the down command brings the focus of the browser to the enterprise root of the namespace, thisens (can also be myens). The show command displays information about the reference and address type for thisens.

> down thisens
> show
Reference type: onc_fn_enterprise
Address type: on_fn_nisplus
  length: 20
  context type: enterprise root
  representation: normal
  version: 0
  internal name: eng.wiz.com
> up
> down thisorgunit

Continuing with the example, this list command shows the contexts for thisorgunit.

> list 
service  _fs  _host  _service  _site  site  _user  host  fs  user 
> down usr
Lookup failed: Name Not Found: 'usr'
> down service
> list
> down printer 

The list command shows the printer names that are bound in the printer context. The show command displays the reference for the child, colorful.

> list 
celeste  _default  color  colorful  quartz  nuttree  puffin 
> show colorful
Reference type: onc_printers
Address type: onc_printers_bsdaddr
  length: 12
  data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 0x62 0x6c 0x61 0x63 0x6b 0x63 
....blackc 0x61 0x74 at
> down colorful
Could not construct context handle: No Supported Address
> quit