Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

Construct Context Handle From Reference

This operation returns a handle to an FN_ctx_t object given a reference, ref, for that context.

FN_ctx_t *fn_ctx_handle_from_ref(
    const   FN_ref_t *ref, 
    unsigned int authoritative,
    FN_status_t *status);      

authoritative specifies whether the handle to the context returned should be authoritative, with respect to information the context obtains from the naming service. When the flag is non-zero, subsequent operations on this context handle can access the most authoritative information. When authoritative is zero, the handle to the context returned need not be authoritative. Authoritativeness is determined by specific naming services. In some, the authoritative source is a single "master" server, while in others, the authoritative source is a quorum of servers.