Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

List Names

This set of operations is used to list the set of names bound in the context named name relative to the context ctx. The name must name a context. If the intent is to list the contents of ctx, name should be an empty composite name.

FN_nameslist_t* fn_ctx_list_names(
    FN_ctx_t *ctx,
    const FN_composite_name_t *name,
    FN_status_t *status);
FN_string_t *fn_namelist_next(
    FN_namelist_t *nl,
    FN_status_t *status);
void fn_namelist_destroy(
    FN_namelist_t *nl);

The call to fn_ctx_list_names() initiates the enumeration process for the target context. It returns an FN_nameslist_t object that you can use for the enumeration.

The operation fn_namelist_next() returns the next name in the enumeration identified by nl and updates nl to indicate the state of the enumeration marker. Successive calls to fn_namelist_next() using nl return successive names and further update the state of the enumeration. fn_namelist_next() returns a NULL pointer when the enumeration has been completed.

fn_namelist_destroy() is used to release resources used during the enumeration. This call can be invoked at any time to terminate the enumeration.

The names enumerated using the list names operations are not in any order. There is no guaranteed relation between the order in which names are added to a context and the order in which names are obtained by enumeration. There is no guarantee that any two enumerations will return the names in the same order.

When a name is added to or removed from the context, this might not necessarily invalidate the enumeration handle that the client holds for that context. If the enumeration handle remains valid, the update might or might not be visible to the client.