The FNS enterprise policies deal with the arrangement of objects within the enterprise namespace. The policies are summarized in Table 1-1.
Organization - Entities such as departments, centers, and divisions. Sites, hosts, users, and services can be named relative to an organization. The XFN term for organization is organizational unit.
Site - Physical locations, such as buildings, machines in buildings, and conference rooms within buildings. Sites can have files and services associated with them.
Host - Computers. Hosts can have files and services associated with them.
User - Human users. Users can have files and services associated with them.
Service - Services such as printers, faxes, mail, and electronic calendars.
The namespace of an enterprise is structured around the hierarchical structure of organizational units of an enterprise. Names of sites, hosts, users, files, and services can be named relative to names of organizational units by composing the organizational unit name with the appropriate namespace identifier and object name.
In Figure 1-3, a user, jsmith in the engineering organization of an enterprise, is named using the name orgunit/desktop.sw.eng/user/jsmith