Transport Interfaces Programming Guide

Additions to XTI Interface

The XNS 5 (Unix98) standard introduces some new XTI interfaces. These are briefly described below. The details may be found in the relevant manual pages. These interfaces are not available for TLI users.

Scatter/Gather Data Transfer Interfaces


Send a data unit from one or more non-contiguous buffers


Receive a data unit into one or more non-contiguous buffers


Send data or expedited data from one or more non-contiguous buffers on a connection


Receive data or expedited data sent over a connection and put the data into one or more non-contiguous buffers

XTI Utility Functions


Get configurable XTI variables

Additional Connection Release Interfaces


Initiate/respond to an orderly release with user data


Receive an orderly release indication or confirmation containing user data

Note -

The additional interfacest_sndreldata(3N) and t_rcvreldata(3N) are only for use with a specific transport called "minimal OSI" which is not available on the Solaris platform. These interfaces are not available for use in conjunction with Internet Transports (TCP or UDP).