Transport Interfaces Programming Guide

Other Routines

In addition to address-related database routines, there are several other routines that simplify manipulating names and addresses. Table 2-3 summarizes the routines for manipulating variable-length byte strings and byte-swapping network addresses and values.

Table 2-3 Runtime Library Routines



memcmp(s1, s2, n)

Compares byte-strings; 0 if same, not 0 otherwise

memcpy(s1, s2, n)

Copies n bytes from s2 to s1

memset(base, value, n)

Sets n bytes to value starting at base


32-bit quantity from host into network byte order 


16-bit quantity from host into network byte order 


32-bit quantity from network into host byte order 


16-bit quantity from network into host byte order 

The byte-swapping routines are provided because the operating system expects addresses to be supplied in network order. On some architectures, the host byte ordering is different from network byte order, so programs must sometimes byte-swap values. Routines that return network addresses do so in network order. Byte-swapping problems occur only when interpreting network addresses. For example, the following code formats a TCP or UDP port:

printf("port number %d\n", ntohs(sp->s_port));

On certain machines, where these routines are not needed, they are defined as null macros.