Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


Here's a family file for the desktop's online help. Comments at the top of the file identify the family and release version.

 !#                                            #
 !#          Desktop  Help Family              #
 !#                                            #
 !#                 Version 1.0                #
 !#                                            #
 *.charSet:      ISO-8859-1
 *.title:        Desktop Version 1.0
 *.bitmap:       /usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/
 *.abstract:     Overview and Basic Desktop Skills \ 
                 * File Manager and the Desktop \ 
                 * Front Panel \ 
                 * Application Manager \ 
                 * Style Manager \ 
                 * Text Editor \ 
                 * Mailer
*.volumes: Intromgr.sdl Filemgr.sdl FPanel.sdl
            Appmanager.sdl Stylemgr.sdl
            Textedit.sdl Mailer.sdl

The help family file actually included with the desktop software may not exactly match this example.